
For example, as a child, did you ever twirl around, stop, and then feel as though you were still moving?”

If you were married to Scarlet Johansson you would be telling everybody in every possible medium too.

I was going to say “There’s a subreddit for that”, but it turns out there are TWO:  r/YourJokeButWorse and r/samejokebutworse, although it’s possible the second is a brilliant meta-commentary of a sort (only one posting).

Also, Lavery changed name in stages. He became used the old first name with Danny/Daniel and Ortberg, in various combinations; “Lavery” is from marrying Grace Lavery and taking her last name. So that’s a non-typical case.

It is helpful, and thanks.

One sad thing that was reported when Lander first announced his MS: as he began to lose his coordination, he allowed people to think that he was an alcoholic, because he figured nobody would hire a guy with MS. But a drunk? Plenty of working drunks in Hollywood.

In movies, yes (at least vs BP, I may be forgetting someone else). But T’Challa goes back to 1966 in comics, and Blade is from the early 1970s.

Congrats on getting content out of writing about a 30-second video.

At least in part, because it’s less development work; you don’t have to decide where the camera should be.  (And how often have people railed against the camera in games?)

I guarantee this has been pitched at Disney in some room.  (Probably not with Fisher, in particular, but that’s how you’d sequelize it.)

Early in CooS, she pulls one of the oldest, stupid comedy bits ever: distracting someone with “Wow! Look at that, behind you!”, and she fucking nails it.  I can’t find it on YouTube, wish I could.

I have an actual Blu-Ray (which I’ve never watched), but I did get it some years ago.

What I was getting at is that “your TV is calibrated wrong” is not a good answer, because the user has to solve the same problem in a different context.  I’m not disagreeing with you.

And, you know how you calibrate the brightness of a TV/monitor?  By adjusting something until a particular thing is “barely visible”.  So that’s where it comes from, and what it comes down to.

Your nose? Consider yourself lucky.

I think LobosJr pointed this out as well, and (my memory of) his explanation sounds like what you’re guessing.

On the other hand, Trump as Jeopardy host is worth a comedy sketch.  A short one.

I’m a generation older than the people who watched the original, and this review makes we want to check it out.  (Also, the words “Tracey Wigfield”.)

Robert Bloch, author of the book Psycho has a claim here.

“It’s amazing how many people can swim in the Sea of Knowledge all day and never get wet.”