
About the only moment of Trump I agreed with was early in the pandemic and in one of news conferences he said “Folks, stop buying all the toilet paper.  We make it in the US!  There’s plenty!”

Also, don’t you avoid sales tax if you buy from a wholesaler?  Or do those need to be larger orders than I imagine?

I bought a 24-pack box from Amazon a few months ago and I am GOOD.

Gary Burghoff, who was Radar in MASH, has one hand like that, which is why he always carried a clipboard; that became fairly well-known in later years. Also there was a well-known news anchor in California who had two such hands and did not hide them. I’d say it’s not top-of-mind for a most people but it’s not a

Not just the fictional ones, but yeah.

I mean, you’d think Frog Lady would know how many potential Frog Babies she had, and raise a fuss when some aren’t there, but...I guess not?

This sounds like what they want is a mailing list of supporters, like when the Dems want me to send Kamala Harris a happy birthday message. Although it is sort of telling that their appeal to “poor Donald just needs your love” seems reasonable to his people.

So...halfway is the same as nothing at all?

Why was the superspreader from Westchester?

The millions of people who only have healthcare now because of the ACA would like to have a word, as well.

By modern standards I’m not much of a Star Wars fan, in that I only know the movies AND don’t care about Boba Fett.  Having said that, I was suspicious of Vance’s entire story, since a flashback is a great way to “show” something that turns out to be false, and maybe Vance didn’t exactly want to be telling Mando how

Oooh. If you literally mean “disk partition”, you can unmount it when not in use. Anybody who goes looking for unused disk partitions has earned what they find.

I would prefer to like, or maybe subscribe.

You’re probably thinking of Regarding Henry, in which Ford recovers from a severe head injury.

I’ve always been convinced that a lot of Trump’s success is that the way the talks is, somehow, itself viral.  It’s so distinctive and just gets in your head.

As a kid I had a book (still have it somewhere) which I now realize was sort of an exemplar of earnest post-WWII liberalism, called “A Child’s History of the World”. One of the things I remember from it was a discussion of Nebuchadnezzar, along with this: “Many people say this name is impossible to remember. If you

Typo-shaming is pretty shitty, but I really have to wonder what autocorrect thing gave us “Ropinion Williams”.

See, I’m the kind of nerd who reads that and wonders if “Mercy” is Mercy Graves.

I’m unclear on which category the life on Mars tweet would be.

Yeah, there are other movies that supposedly became hits because the mega-hits were always sold out. I’m going to say “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” because of Batman (1989) but let me check the dates...yes, that’s the story at least.