
“Uncles and aunts, lotta little children lost their pants”

The reboot has one thing over the original, in that it’s not constantly running stretched from 4:3 to 16:9 on TNT.

“Is that what they’re saying about me now? That I’m paranoid?”

I think that guy in the second part of the ad might be Steve Ryan, culty-est-ly known as J. Walter Weatherman in Arrested Development.

As we learned a couple of years ago, the Hugos (SF awards) allow one to explicitly vote “No Award” if you don’t want any of the nominees to win.  Maybe it’s like that?

Time’s Man of the Year 2001!

They also had the Mad About You continuation.

And if only 10% never re-open, well, oops.

People have complained about this multiple times but nobody cares.  It’s amazing.  It’s the simplest most basic thing but they can’t handle it.

But now it’s been years and years and years and years and years.

I actually liked both of the last two, but still.

That’s why this is the only place on the site to make the following point: the first 4 eps of this season are/will be:

The bulk of the 1930s/40s/50s Universal horror films are on Peacock now — note that the company is “NBC/Universal” (although owned by Comcast). I mean, not that you can always tell from the original studio who’s got it, but in this case it works.

The spoiler warning banner is after the words “the substance known as Compound V”.  Granted, as a design element, it’s not the strongest.

“Dude, have ever really looked at your seven-fingered prehensile claw?”

It’s the big-budget Eraserhead remake you didn’t ask for.

Click to see Diana Rigg in the outfit that this is swiped from:

There are some, but as an example of how dire things are, they dropped Simpsons recaps two episodes before the end of last season.

Speaking of day/night, I always chuckle at the idea that just as day is sunrise to sundown, night is moonrise to moonset.

No, he’s Mean Sean Astin.