Dominic Arenas

That has got to be one of the ugliest goddamn TVs I've ever seen.

Don't cross the streams!

@Y2KGTP: I was literally thinking "They have to do this with a lightsaber" while watching it. I'm glad I'm not the only nerdy one.

So they should definitely recreate this posts with Rusty... It's literally too perfect.

How does it turn back to 12 though? Clocks are circular because they must go from 11 to 12, but if this puts 1-12 on a linear quarter circle, the arm has to scale back to 1/12 (depending on what comes first) after 11/12.


I'm constantly dissappointed with The Clone Wars. This episode description sounds like several of the past episodes. And, like those other ones, I'm sure it'll go something like this:

Who wants to bet that the "critical device that communicates between universes" is the typewriter?

@PlaidNinja: Exactly. I can suspend my disbelief because it's a program. The whole uncanny valley thing is what it's all about.

Uh.... Isn't this what R. Lee Ermey so gracefully demonstrated in Full Metal Jacket? That, during basic training, the drill sargents act the way they do to test the soldiers and make sure they can still operate during times of extreme pressure.

I think practically, for such a small ship, a fighter at that, purple would be a terrible color. Especially with the mass production of TIE fighters, having hundreds of purple ships would be a disaster. Making the ships grey isn't too much better, but at least they reflect more light.

@CaptainCynic: That's like that great creepypasta story!

Goddamnit Brightcove. Their videos are always so tiny, and they don't have any fullscreen mode.

For DNA collection, I'd wager grabbing a cigarette butt would be sufficient.

Intergalactic kegger?!?!?

@DfizzleShizzle: Yeah, bad article because he doesn't even answer the question that everybody is gonna ask.

Worst Part: They literally only used one lense/film combonation. Weak.