Dominic Arenas

@ReelFashionista: I LOVE how Altstrid (BAstrid?) is a total Rain Main character, a human calculator, and Astrid (Our Astrid) is a total empath, probably the sweetest character in the whole series. Complete opposites.

@paradox: The other reason there weren't many cases in stores is because it's a different form factor, so Apple didn't send specs to case makers in advance, so they wouldn't leak the phone.

I don't think anybody else pointed this out, but I think the point of the commercial wasn't the immediate threat, a la VOTE OR DIE, it's the threat that one day we won't be able to live on this earth, unless we do something now.

Oh man, I can't wait to see what happens after Starkiller shoots force lightning at Vader...

Wow, it's like South Park, except more hipster.

@Variatas: Full disclosure, I hate the combo items in DR2. They're useless.

@Variatas: I suppose that's true. But no paddle saws, drill buckets, or anything fun like that.

I don't think Zombie fatigue will set in, mainly because this is Zombies in the WILD WEST. No malls, no plethora of melee weapons, and you're literally stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Man, I was waiting for this episode since last week! And it was totally worth it!

@Walking Eye!: YES. God, I couldn't stop laughing when Dean first said that line. The context, it was so perfect.

@romerostokes: I think they've been around for 19/20 years, but the ultimate clone bodies are only 17. But I could be wrong, I don't think it's really definitely stated, and if it is, the episodes aren't linear, or even closely spaced.

I thought they just killed these adorable guys?

Phillip Seymour Hoffman? Seriously?!?!? Not only do I hate the actor, but that's probably one of the worst casting decisions I've ever heard, if it's indeed true.

@Malcontent79: I always liked the idea of Malkovich as Vulture. Seems like a perfect role.

Just think, one day mankind will evolve appendages just like this, so we can charge our phones from our own energy....

Great, I literally finished the game a half hour ago. Damnit.

Okay, but when you say Portman could be LL, and Rourke could be Supes, couldn't Jennifer Conelly be LL? And, uh... Hugh Jackman be Supes?

@Chuck: I would argue that he would've learned as much as Rusty, since he did live in is womb for all those years. I just feel bad for Rusty too.