Dominic Arenas

@Cats: Awesome. They would try to pull that shit there.

@thechansen: I DON'T CARE. IT'S AN IPHONE.

@ceptri: The news reel is great, it reminds me so much of the news reels from Starship Troopers, which were probably the best part of that movie, save for NPH.

@Elpon: Brockness Monster and Brock Lobster were classic because of Shore Leave's nautical theme, so they really work on two (three?) levels.

I can't wait for the new season of The Clone Wars. I've been rewatching the last season in HD and on my iPhone 4, and, for a CG animation show, it's beautiful. It looks almost like a living painting, especially the landscapes. I would hang up any still from the series, the amount of detail in the HD videos is

@OnslaughtRM: Same here, since it was alluded that he got the cancer in the joint. And, you know, he was a crazy prison rapist, if I'm remembering correctly.

@albo: YES! I knew they wouldn't kill them off. Jackson and Doc have said in interviews that since everybody hates the Moppets, they're gonna keep them around.

@Dex-Starr: There actually will be an episode with a Spider man. Although, in this incarnation, his web slinging comes though a more accurate way...

@Elpon: Haha. Brockblocked.

You guys! Editors! It's called formatting! Please do somehting about this entry, it's practically unreadable. Sorry to have to point this out, I do really want to read this article, but it's near impossible.

@Crrash: It's not that they can't look realistic. It's that it's expensive to make CGI look photorealistic, so most films will only use rudimentary CGI, obscuring it with blur. The best example of good cgi is Avatar, although they actually made real props, scanned them in a 3D scanner, then made the digital assets.

@geolemon: That's the exact problem I was about to point out. Although, they could make it like watching a movie on a plane, and provide headphones. That'd solve that problem.

So... It doesn't have any windows on the Western wall?

@chalkshark: Yeah, I don't get it. What does it have to do with dishwashers?

Haha, loved the WWZ vet!

And then they all did the Truffle Shuffle.

@0035: I noticed that too.

@Hatebunny: Haha, that jingle took me waaaaay back. It was ABC.

That's so sweet. Aw, I'm gonna be that kind of pops.