Dom The Human

Fuck this dude. He sounds like an annoying asshole.

You know, they didn’t get a horse to direct Seabiscuit!

I wouldn’t call them overalls as much as I’d call them around-somes.

“we found that fully 20% of identifiable ESPN signups came from women.”

He’s on the record as saying nice things about Puerto Ricans, though. I even heard him say, “There’s no such thing as bad PR.”

shouldn’t you be over on i09 trying to destroy the moon or something?

“Hey, collusions are part of the game. That’s why we wear helmets.”
- Emmitt Smith

Quinn Nordin sounds like an auto generated name for a Skyrim character.

Next on SyFy: “SHARKCANO”

You don’t, you buy one when the other one gets boring, learn how to rich please.

  • No online pre-orders

I wouldn’t let that stock photo girl leave either. She’s HOT HOT HOT!

You know if the Aliens that live there ever visit us, we’re all fucked. There’s no way this is a “good guy” planet.

She’s The Watcher, obviously.

I’m not saying they’re the same person, but I’ve never seen that woman and Rajon Rondo in the same room at the same time.