
What a dick. Guy driving a $400k car can afford $7k in repairs. Fuck him.

It says half of super duty trucks are the high trim, not half of all F-Series trucks. Super duty trucks start at $32k for the spartan 250 XL. My guess is that people who buy Super Duty trucks tend to be people who need the towing capacity, not people using them for work (those folks buy F-150s). If you’re willing to

It’s very annoying. You have to tell it to play that group (i.e. yesterday I found myself saying “Alexa, play Chris Stapleton radio on Pandora on everywhere.” Quite the mouthful) and you can’t (at least I haven’t been able to) switch to a group once your music is already playing. I.e. if I walk from the living room to

Others told stories about spouses throwing shoes in frustration

I don’t think large, up front monetary reimbursement is necessarily the key. It would be too easily corruptible and the poor would be more inclined to donate, who are also less likely to have health insurance which would lead to more issues.

The new gen Escalade tail lights. Further exasperated by the fact that everybody who owns an Escalade thinks these are the bees knees.

This is a puzzling move by Kia, especially since Buick announced their TourX is going to start at $30k. They have the exact same power specs but the Buick gets AWD standard and, best of all, it doesn’t carry a Kia badge (though a Buick badge isn’t much better).

Wait wait wait, did anybody click the link to the WP story?

He added, “The whole idea that diversity improves workplace output, it’s not scientifically decided that that’s true.”

Would 100% rather drive on the Autobahn than any American highways. 101 through CA, for example, has a limit of 65, is constantly under construction, littered with potholes and from about Marin to LA is bumper to bumper with traffic. People never obey passing rules and they tailgate like mad. At its worst, the

Jalopnik readers: Please make more affordable hot hatches and wagons! Please!

I love the demeanor of Corbin. ‘Don’t put more than 100 lbs of pressure on the brake pedal, or you’ll feel the master cylinder.’ He’s totally nonchalant and casual about everything but yet so precise. ‘Oh yeah, that’s the welded diff. Takes a while to get used to.’

Hmm, not sure about this. Doesn’t seem very friendly if I want to slam my Tesla.

CP. This would be a hoot to drive and I would love to plop down some hard earned cash, but for that much money that are plenty of good, reasonably powered wagons with significantly fewer miles and OEM mills.

I’m pretty sure most airports already do that, but once you’ve located that plate that’s been there for weeks - how do you go find it? What if it came in the parking garage that spans 5 levels and has 15,000 parking spaces? You still have to go through and scan all the cars till you find the right one.

Oakland would be cool, although I’m sure a bunch of locals there don’t want to be pushed out by the ensuing gentrification. Might help the housing problem in SF if Oakland becomes a bit more desirable?

Not surprising. I work for a general contractor that does a LOT of work in airports and parking security is a lot more lax than you would expect. I’ve heard stories of people leaving cars in employee lots (which are ‘strictly’ enforced to 24 hours max) for weeks on end before someone so much as leaves a note let alone

Love the design. I hate how new designers try to embrace old cars with classic designs but they ‘update them’ (think new charger, mustang, challenger, etc.). Just give us the old design - don’t update the bodywork. It looks fine, leave it alone.

Re-watching the original Matrix is never a bad idea