
Except Stafford isn’t paid by the NFL, he’s paid by Martha Ford, the owner of the Lions.

There’s a beautiful silver 356 coupe that cruises around Palo Alto on weekends. I haven’t had a chance to talk to the owner yet. I’ll let you know if it comes up for sale and you let me know when you hit the powerball

Looks more like a presidential limo than a truck

Rather than charging people to drive why don’t they not charge them to take the train? Free subway/bus/light rail tickets for anyone with a valid boarding pass the day of. Boom. Solved.

If only there was a way to scroll past stories you didn’t want to see instead of being forced to click on them and then comment about your displeasure.

I use an instant pot sans ice bath and it works fine. The ice bath just keeps them from continuing to cook once they’re out of the heat. I use 5 min on low pressure and the eggs are perfect. Just fill the instant pot liner with cold tap water and let them sit for 15 mins.

That looks amazing, too bad it sounds like garbage

“You wouldn’t imagine that in the back of a taxi, we put an extra steering wheel or brake pedal there for the passenger to grab ahold of anytime,”

‘96 Honda Accord for $1,800 WITH stick and less than 200k miles. Drive it till the wheels fall off and then buy a new car when you’re back on your feet. Save the $3,200 for food and rent.

I have a few Hue bulbs in my house and there’s already a major flaw with this one you’ve reviewed. In order for these bulbs to work, you have to leave the switch in a closed (on) position so there’s always power to the light. That means if you don’t have a ‘smart’ switch (like a Hue dimmer) you have to turn it on/off

Now playing

Here you go! Hope you’ve got 90 minutes you never want back.

Pretty sure I thought Jesse Johnson was James Van Der Beek the first time I saw Redline

...the same problems with pacing that have plagued almost every Netflix show.

Nope, nope nope. It stands for Graphics Interchange Format, and ‘Graphics’ is not pronounced ‘Jraphics.’ You don’t pronounce ‘GUI’ with a soft G (although that would make ‘joo-ey’ which is a bit antisemitic). Same with GLONASS.

That was my gut instinct too. The thin tail lights on the back and the sloped roof are a dead giveaway. 2011+ Dodge Charger.

Yes! For some stupid reason if I switch from the cabin vents to the defrost in my Mazda (even if it’s not on ‘Auto’ mode) it cranks the fan up to 11, no matter what setting they were on before. It’s very annoying.

Tesla won’t have any issues moving Model 3's. I live in Palo Alto and I started seeing them a day before the supposed July 28 release date. The super rich will buy them so they can have the nicest newest thing possible, and then when Tesla can ramp up their production the middle class will start buying them over

I just googled ‘Car climate control’ and it was like the tenth image, but it seemed so fitting - it’s the quintessential analog slider.

Same. From muscle memory I have the layout of my audio and AC memorized, so I don’t have to take my eyes off the road. Can you imagine waiting to come to a stop just so you can safely look at your screen and adjust air (not that anyone in a Tesla is ever going to do that)

I like how Bill talks about ‘Clumsy sliders’ like those are still commonplace in cars. 99% of new cars these days have buttons with a digital interface, Bill. Also, isn’t that digital thing you’re pressing just another fancy ‘slider’?