
Azerbaijan is the country where the official election app accidentally released the results of the election on the day before the election. Fits right in with the F1 Grid.

I like turtles.

Good thing the girl had her cellphone with her while trying to put out the fire... LOL

Everybody who knows me knows I love cars, breaking traffic laws, being an asshole, what can I say... I commuted from day 1 on the highways between Philly and NYC. It, like sarcasm, comes with the territory. My social and political views are nearly identical to Ron Swanson, however...

Saying “Mobile 1 is probably the worst” is a very poor judgment and statement. Look up independent scientific research data on oil tests first. Read, understand and educate yourseld before making statements. Mobile 1 V-twin synthetic oil is one of the best performing oils out there (beating out Amsoil, Castrol, ect).

You know how much less we’d bitch about the torque in a Toybaru if it was MR?

TBH I’ve heard this hint but my feeling is, if its leaking, the problem isn’t the oil, and keeping dead dino oil in there isn’t the solution. I’ve switched to Synthetic on both my trucks (one has 220k the other 150k) and had no leaks. If its leaking with synthetic then you are gonna have a leak now, or later with

It’s unknown what I think of it because wine.

Yeah, hookers don't catch on fire.

Obviously it’s because the rider is doing something that is unexpected to the majority of highway users while passing. I only said “presumptively” rather than making it strict liability because if it can be proved a car driver (say) changing lanes was being grossly negligent or intentionally trying to hit the rider,

We’re talking about cars producing offspring through sexual intercourse and your problem is that it also has to involve time travel?

I am tempted to crack wise about Bubba’s Barge’n’Winch (motto: “Hold Our Beers’n Watch This!”), but I will hold off until more factual information is available.

Yeah, what’s wrong with stereotyping and demonizing Mexicans???

Jesus Christ, stop engaging these assholes. Do you really think you're engaging in a constructive dialogue?

I’m laughing on the inside. On the outside I’m giving you a steely glare of death.

This looks like a “Wife told me to sell it” price.

I really can’t stand uneducated people trying to teach others all about cars with salvage titles. I’ve been rebuilding and selling these for 16 years now. I can guarantee that my rebuilt cars are like new. I’m a perfectionist. I make sure everything is right before it leaves. Granted, there are some shady people out

You are correct. Space Center Houston (right beside Johnson Space Center) has a high-fidelity shuttle mock-up that came from Kennedy (meaning a to-scale model that astronauts would have trained on) and the 747 is the real plane that ferried the shuttles. That shot on Google maps would have been taken around April

You’re a fucking statist asshole, sorry.