
There’s a much better one up right now for 2k, 5000 since rebuild and new clutch, restored seats. Not that this would be hard to fix, but there are better examples in the ballpark of $2k.

My grandfather had a 14 model T. He got it because it’s the one that broke his arm when he was a kid. Fuck crankstarting cars. One good backfire and your fucked. Now we all have scars. Eventually everyone had been popped once or twice and nobody would start it anymore. I get the fear just thinking about it.

If it’s laser guided you can drop at intervals and fire the laser at each point after impact of the preceding one and it’ll alter the impact of the next. I have no idea if that’s what’s going on here.

I hadn’t got around to figuring out what was going on with mine, but your post helped me check that off the list. So I have fluid running through my steering column in my 40 yr old car, what could go wrong lol.

Why the fuck isn’t it always this way? I’m kinda mad I know that now because from now on this is going to piss me off every time I do my brakes.

Those look like the ones on the 914, but I thought all 914’s front ends were from bugs anyways. Is it the other way around after 73, the bugs got the 914 front end?

I didn’t imply that. He wasn’t even an outspoken republican in office. And in the public sector, which is probably when the change happened to fire breathing neocon, he wasn’t in the public eye. I’m not saying the change happened when he took office, it clearly happened before that.

Did they not blow up a checkpoint just yesterday? All the other shit aside they are called terrorists because they are practitioners.

LBJ cried when he was offered the role of VP. Robert Kennedy literally had to calm him the fuck down. Dick Cheney held far more power than he ever could have as VP and he quit without burning the middle east to the ground. I mean if he’s at all Machiavellian, he is by far it’s worst practitioner.

That’s thing though, he didn’t in anyway profit off any decisions he may or may not have made as vice president, he didn’t control his investments and did not overtly make any money off haliburton. Even if he secretly did we would know by now, and if he secretly controlled anything in the oval office we would know it

Oh! Lol haliburton and Nixon! Well that’s that then... I mean obviously if you read my comment you could infer I Fucking know his history, but you go ahead and repeat it back to me with no real argument or evidence and call it a Fucking day. What I said has been said by people on both sides of the aisle that have

Well a bit of confusion then I don’t disagree, and as I said I hope they ultimately do get independence. I just don’t think countries from outside the region should have a dog in this fight. The west at most should diplomatically try and ease the violence on both sides, but frankly we use both as tools of violence

I say this as a liberal, but up until he united with this cabal, he was an apolitical public servant who served his country because he gave a shit. I don’t know what the hell happened to him, but people forget the vast majority of his career he was considered a level headed peace maker well respected on both sides of

Right so the west should continue to arbitrarily redraw maps to fix arbitrarily drawn previous maps? Should the US kick England out of northern Ireland? I feel for them, and I hope they get their grievances resolved, but it it has nothing to do with the US, and it wouldn’t even be legal. Not that it matters... And it

Yeah I’m just saying we shouldn’t do it. As much as our interests align now, once they are a country I’m not sure they really do anymore. We certainly aren’t going to support an independent nation hostile to Turkey, even if they are right to be so. Nations like that are like the drunk friend at the bar running their

We shouldn’t stop them, and maybe use some leverage on Turkey to back off. Giving people countries inside of other peoples countries is beyond dumb, especially when the reason is they seem like great guys and they carry out extra legal operations for us. Just ask the British how Israel repayed them, and look how that

Can’t pay your workers but can spend the last of your money on lawyers... Can you defame a fucking sweatshop? I wouldn’t go around picking fights if I were saleen, I mean a tricky lawyer can make you pony up 20k in discovery without breaking a sweat.

Totally agree, the parallels to fifa are staggering. Fortunately I think F1 is more prone to failure, it’s not as large or financially well off as fifa. That said barring an implosion or a serious rival I don’t see it happening. It’s sad, but I think a lot of people agree it needs to burn to the ground, and in that

I feel mostly the same. As for the bottom teams, will it ever be any other way? F1 doesn’t need to help them if the rules aren’t designed to make it impossible to compete. How do you think it would go if you put the top drivers in the bottom cars? I don’t think much would change personally.

I’m not saying the lower teams should be competative just that it shouldn’t break them. And I mean that’s the problem, who wants a predictable sport that’s a victory lap for the biggest checkbook? Why should smaller teams bother? I used to like it, I can tell I never will again, it’s not a sporting event. It’s not a