
2 wrongs don't make a right!

9 out of 10, it was an Asian driver. Just saying!!

Now you are just being a tool! Oh wait, or are you dreaming that you are a tool?

Your welcome. Btw, you called yourself an idiot, not me. LOL!!!

Have you seen Inception? That's you.....right now.

Well, mission accomplished!!

WOW!!! COD haters are just gonna hate!!

Apparently not....since you still appear to be KO'd!!!

The PS4 is the superior machine. Fact!

I just shoved the truth in your face! When you wake up, it will still be there reminding you that the truth hurts.

Tool! The truth hurts, don't it!

Sounds like the Watchdogs and Driveclub teams, didn't have this many meals!

It wasn't a glitch, it was a coordinated hack. Story will break soon!!!

Larry, the biggest Xbox troll in the universe!!!

I know that InFamous: Second son is better than DR3 but thanks for stating it!!

Xbone has Forza, RYSE and DR3...which still don't equal the awesomeness that is Killzone!!

Whatev! You spend $300-$400 for a video card, to add in your $500+ rig that you have already spent money upgrading along the way? Rinse and repeat in 2 years. Look up the definition of insanity!! This is suppose to be the PC elitist fan boys answer to common sense gaming? Seriously?!

Sup!! Y'all seen my biatch?

"Who let the dogs out. woof woof woof woof woof!!"

Let me break it down for you: