
In various cookbooks.

Grate the cheese on to a pan and bake until crisp. No reason to use a second pan. Primarily done with Parm in most restaurants.

Cap on Social Security taxes. As the article says, once you reach $118,500.00, you no longer pay into Social Security.

That cap makes the Social Security tax THE most regressive tax in the entire US system. i.e. Another gift to the wealthy.

Someone might come up with something, but I know of no tax where you reach a

Sorry, but the question can’t be solved.

- You need the speed on dry land vs. wet.
- You need to know the width of the wet land. Example, if the wet land is 1 foot wide the wet land is inconsequential.
- If the wet land is 20 meters wide, you’ve got an entirely different scenario.

Hmm. Most areas have zoning laws that allow cities quite a bit of latitude.

You might not have a law on the books, but cities can prevent strip clubs, or gun shops from opening next to schools.

In many communities, you can charge anyone trying to build a house, etc. an impact fee. Developers fight these all the time.

Town could simply enact a development fee of $50,000.00/lot and then wait until he goes off to somewhere else.

Not for him, but . . .

Ever hear of a town using eminent domain to buy a private business and make it public? Gold courses are the typical ones.

And how many times has your community bought land for parks, etc. to keep developers out of the area?


As a recruiter, I used to recommend that people using to check on companies they are thinking about going to work for to see how the company is rated. No more. Or if you’re going to use it, be cautious how you use it.

There’s a company that I will not work for, 8 presidents in about 10 years.


As a recruiter, the majority of jobs I get are from companies where the HR person has not been able to fill the job. There are other companies who automatically go to recruiters. The thought process being that we can approach quality people that they can’t go after. Companies don’t look kindly on their


Don’t remember what the top end cost is, but I’m sure there are lazy recruiters out there who think that’s the way to place people.

When I was not a recruiter, those were the types that I avoided at all costs. They aren’t professionals.

Thank you.

My time is too valuable to do things that way. Plus those types of recruiters get the deserved reputation of sending unqualified candidates to potential employers.

I also spent 25 years selling in the industry before I became a recruiter.

The one’s I “liked” were the recruiters who called me who had just

The US government actually does fund drugs from time to time. When bird flu was going around, the government paid for the research. However. When the drug is developed, the companies don’t have to pay that money back and they can set the pricing at whatever level they want.

Agreed. I’m simply going off the pharma Congressional testimonies where the pharmas say when they are asked to justify their pricing.

It costs you nothing to post your information on LinkedIn.

Recruiters and hiring managers are the ones who generate the money that keeps LinkIn in business. Without us, there would be no LinkedIn.

The delete button works very well.

So far this year, I’ve sent out maybe a total of 50 Inmails. They were all for jobs I was

So please explain something to me. Vast majority of people have LinkedIn accounts because they WANT to be contacted by people for job opportunities. If they didn’t why have an account?

My emails are essentially, “I don’t know if you’re in the job market, but I have a job requirement that I’m working on. If you’d like

I’m a recruiter. I’ll sometimes use LinkedIn to find candidates. I only do it now when I’m forced to.

Can’t remember when they made this change, but I think it was around the first of the year.

Essentially what they did. It used to be you’d functionally buy the ability to send emails to people who weren’t in your

I’ve sold ingredients to the pharma industry. Some comments.

#1 - The pharma industry has never explained why the United States ALONE should pay for the development of new drugs. That essentially means that US citizens are subsidizing drug costs for the rest of the world.
#2 - Many countries negotiate drug prices with

So let’s see. The guy had at least 3, perhaps 4 cups of coffee that morning. @160+ mg of caffeine per cup that’s maybe as much as 480 - 540 mg of caffeine by itself. i.e. already over the 400 mg. safe limit.

During the day, he had taken at least 6 Excedrin, maybe 8. At 6 that was another 390 mg of caffeine.

3 cokes?

I’d be careful about this.

Quite a while ago. Guy I worked with had maybe 3-4 cups of coffee in the morning. During the morning he got a headache and started taking Excedrin.

Afternoon came and he switched over to Coke. Don’t know how many he had. Took a few more Excedrin.

Around 4:00 PM, he thought that he was having

Make sure you get this from some place such as Amazon, where you can return it if it doesn’t work.

I bought the high end version of Leaf, and it simply doesn’t work where I live.

Apparently the trees (a lot) where I live are the issue.

Make sure you get this from some place such as Amazon, where you can return it if it doesn’t work.

I bought the high

Two year contract? Only if you’re going with Verizon’s payment plan.