
Bay area $84 Comcast 25 down/ 12 up

As most readers out there, I spend a good majority of my day in front of multiple screens for both work and entertainment. As I get older (31 now) the complex digital lifestyle suits me less and less. I love the ease of communication and readiness of knowledge that these things give me, but a simple act of going out

Time to get creative. Find a hobby that you actually use your hands and build something physically. I decided to convert my lawn into a veggie garden with a koi pond and it has been a great way to use my brain creatively while unwinding a bit from my digital screen life.

They're called fingers, its not hard.

super simple. i love this case. Its super slim and has a nice polished raised edge to protect the iphone 5 and matches the styling pretty nicely. its only $10 too

animated GIF avatars for the authors is really annoying while trying to read an article...

I have a standing desk with a stool. Works when I want to stand or sit.

Samsung did this 2 years ago at DSE. Its a perfect application for Digital Signage.

They will screw it up somehow, Sony always does.

They were actually a great band too

hahahahahha! bahahahhahahahahah!!!!!

The real creepy part is when stores start sharing databases and eventually have shared tracking like Facebook does on partner sites.

I owned the original for a week and returned it before they started doing these blanket refunds. It wasnt the durability that killed it for me, it was the lack of bluetooth, the weird features of the iOS app and syncing/charging issues. Also it is just way too thick on the bottom side where you rest your wrist while

Macbook pro

Cool whhwip

Never mind the fact that this small orifice will but a very large resistance load on your vacuum motor and likely burn it up if used for any extended period of time.

I dont know about anyone else here, but I certainly wasnt questioning whether fries were made from real potatoes. The biggest issue for me is the use of Omega 6 laden, chemically separated seed oils like Canola.

Oh I definitely agree with you that this isn't a genuine Italian product, but all of Ragu's branding previous to this has been in the traditional Italian style, so the sudden shift to 'good ol american' just seems funny.

I'm sorry, but coming from a corporate IT staff persons point of view, Java has been nothing but heartache and headache. I am not speaking as a developer but as a user and support system for hundreds of other users. Java compatibility and the requirements for its developers to constantly update their applications to