Doctor Acula

Are you staying they could take one out if they… orca-strated an attack plan?

"Gimme a scoop of butterscotch."
"This thing only makes chocolate or vanilla."
"This deal's gettin' worse all the time!'

The AV Club The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo Club

Don't just stand there Raymond! The building is collapsing! Get out of there!

I hope they include the episode that's just a conversation in an internet chat room.

Oh man, we can only hope. Bernie Sanders playing Dr. Wily would be delightful.

Batou: Tachikoma! Prepare for combat loadout!

There was another show that was on Adult Swim briefly the name of which escapes me where the protagonist's mentor also looked exactly like Dr. Wily. That particular sort of balding, disheveled white hair look seems to be the official anime old man look.

You mean real life?

Bobcat was in good condition, though

This… this one actually seems like a reasonable complaint

You went to a wrestling show instead of the library?! Uncle Ben's gettin' upset!

"You want stretch goal bonus?"
"Yes, please."

Not at all familiar with Pope Joan, and if the header image had been titled "David Wenham as Faramir" I wouldn't have suspected anything was wrong. His hair looks exactly the same.


As per the proper style guide for John Oliver headlines, shouldn't it be "Watch John Oliver Absolutely EVISCERATE Credit Reports"?

And I looked and behold, a pale horse. And he who sat upon him was named Yeezus.

"Awww yeah"

Yeah he was arrested for battery :/

I still liked it quite a bit, but there's kind of a sudden total shift towards something more serious right around when they switch artists and the combination of the two things is kind of jarring, I think