Doctor Acula

When you start reading comics, your local comic shop makes you memorize a complete list of writers and artists the way frats make pledges memorize everything about their frat brothers

I've read each of the trades that are out and it's a lot of fun.

I don't know a lot about cars but… that doesn't seem strictly true

Uh… you should probably get ready for that exit. Beep boop.

"You're no longer on Mallory's teat."
"Arrgh, I'm never going to be able to stand up!"

gotta support the team

It'll probably happen when the CBA comes up again. And the NFL will say it's all fine and safe for the players because they moved touchbacks up 5 yards

The technology's been there for a while, I just don't think the incentive is quite there for a major sport to quite pull the trigger on it yet. Traditional TV is dying, but at an extremely slow pace. Any game the NFL throws up on national TV is still going to draw absurd ratings, and networks will still be driving

The epilogue involves a major character explaining how counting works as he's very gradually dying

Now that you're not dying, check out this trailer!

The Acrid Wasteland Book doesn't really have the same ring to it

They're putting articles on this site now?

The plot of the Ben Franklin musical is a guy trying to give Ben Franklin away to a bunch of people and repeatedly being told that they don't accept Ben Franklin and that he should come back with 5 clones of Andrew Jackson

Well, maybe the headline is saying that Hamilton either made $1.5 million it made OR $150 million. Opinions differ.

That movie's sorta fun for what it is, but it really does kind of feel like Jon Favreau just constructed a fantasy camp for himself for a couple of weeks and decided to film it.

All that glitters is gold

Can't wait to see who plays Big Boss in Season 2, which I assume will be about the very real events of Operation: Snake Eater

Every time I see Criminal in italics I get a little bit excited and then read the entire sentence and realize that it's just some dumb Kevin Costner vehicle

I will finish… what you started.

Doing this for the first book probably gets you Ned, right?