Doctor Acula

"I'm already in that kind of a relationship with Ta-kun here."
"A relationship? How do you meeeeeean?!"
"Mouth to mouth!"

This isn't about hentai

Stay outta Neo-Tokyo, Lebowski!

Are you sure you didn't watch a furry cooking show

"Why is your TV walking around?"
"Uh… because it's a TV Walkman!"
"Sony brand?"

I dunno what the last episode is, but the adaptation of For the Man Who Has Everything is really well done too

sorry, 'MURRICA

Have you guessed the name of Tay's country yet? IT WAS AMERICA!

Will probably be truer to the character, i.e. will not feature Batman branding bat-symbols on people

Batman runs afoul of a Kryptonian

But it was worth every penny to put in those CGI sandworms that aren't in the books at all

Do you need the extended warranty? You will.

DO YOU BLEED? YOU WILL… to varying degrees depending on which cut of the movie this is

Every time there'd be a new trailer released or a new piece of news I'd think to myself, "How can a movie possibly be a grim-dark love letter to Dark Knight Returns AND also a Man of Steel sequel AND also a set-up for Justice League at the same time?" And apparently the answer is… it can't, at least not in any way

You got pushed all the way down into a Great Job, Internet post actually

"Oh, you think the darkness is your ally? But you've merely adopted the darkness. I was born in it!"

Obviously Orca the Whale Woman

Marvel: Making a Superman movie where everyone mopes the entire time and with no colors in it except washed-out dark blue is stupid!
DC: From my perspective, it's making a movie with a talking raccoon that's stupid!
Marvel: Then you are lost!

"It’s small things, like revealing that Lex Luthor names all the members of the Justice League and gives them their symbols"

Deadspin has a satisfyingly snarky one while you wait