Doctor Acula

Crash Bandicoot would've been called Impact Wombat

This looks waaaaaaaaaay worse

Indy hides from an explosion in a microwave

Every time there's one of those travel interludes where they show his route gradually filling in on the map, he's spending that time grading papers

Tom Izzo and the Temple of Getting 90 Points Dropped on You by a Conference USA Team

I had Michigan State losing to Kansas in the title game. I'm done.

Twitter seems hellbent on becoming more like Facebook and Facebook seems hellbent on becoming more like Twitter (that "Trending News" sidebar), and it's not clear that anybody asked for either. People use both for different reasons, and it seems like they stubbornly refuse to just play to their own strengths and

the $58M for the Kryptonian rocket is spot on though. That's right out of the Kelly Blue Book

Maybe the taxes are high on the apartment that he apparently owns despite it being an apartment (????)

Well, he's not like a top columnist on the op-ed pages or anything, right? He's just a field reporter

These numbers are going to fluctuate wildly depending on what exact version of the character you're working with. Like. during Morrison's Batman Inc. stuff, Bruce Wayne was funding a worldwide network of Batmen and Wayne Enterprises had a bat-bot droid army

I mean, they did make that cut of Watchmen that was like 4 hours and had the entire Black Coursair story in it

He's bros with Kojima, so maybe a stealth Metal Gear Solid 3 adaptation?

I remember going to the Backdraft special effects thing, whatever that's called, at Universal Studios in Florida. There's a big sign right outside that says, "This entire thing is just continuous loud noises and fire, do not take toddlers into this," and somebody came in holding a two year old who immediately starting

The white horse was a bold directorial choice, A-

Citizen Kane, a WWE Films production

Ben Hur? I Hardly Even Know Her

I would watch this if Jack Huston inexplicably had his Richard Harrow mask and voice the entire time

It belongs in an extremely progressive museum!

Indiana Jones: the 4D experience! Finally, you can experience what it's like to get thrown out of a zeppelin!