Doctor Acula

You're making the rather large assumption that if this succeeds, studios' takeaway will be, "Let's make interesting R-rated animation" and not "let's make more stuff exactly like Sausage Party"

Yeah, it is generally not a positive sign. I remember seeing a red band trailer for Movie 43 and the theater falling completely silent as if to say, what the hell did we just witness

Next up: Potheads. They are anthropomorphic flower pots that are also stoners.

The Scouring of the Sausage-ire was controversially cut out.

It's funny 'cause sausage party is a colloquial term for a party with a high ratio of men to women but they are also a group of anthropomorphic sausages

They hit me with a series of trucks.

Nah, I'd put Gargantua 2 and Operation PROM over this

It was the 1970s. I ask that you cut me some slack.

♪ The brony wondered in
Committing every sin that he could
So good ♪

I'm only recently gotten into them, and really prog rock in general. I don't even know why.


Any time the Messiah is not on screen, all the other characters should be saying, "Where's the Messiah?" —The Old Testament

I don't think Trump would have the decency to try and keep his debauchery under wraps and use (however thinly-veiled) code language like "bunga-bunga parties." I think he'd just call a press conference out of the blue and be like, "Listen up, America. This is important. Had a yuge party last night. And I got laid. It

Probably my favorite of Christie's books among what I've read, and I'm an easy mark for any kind of parlor room mystery story like this. I'm there.

George RR Puzo

Ah, okay. Had no idea.

I know he wrote the Venture-stein epsiode, what were the other two?

"Batmanuel has just finished the Double Gulp. Now, he must water the bushes."

I'LL be the judge of that

Massive shade thrown at New York there