Doctor Acula

The real monster… IS MAN.

The kaiju is not the issue here, Donnie!

Yeah, I'm into it. It doesn't have to make sense. It's more fun when the characters can be expressive.

BOOOOONESAW IS REEEEADY…. for 18 holes of match play

all the stuff about Nazis using Asgardian magic to make laser weapons definitely happened though

the arcade beat-em up side scroller is great, but holy crap is that game hard

Dynasty Warriors! The graphics are outdated, the characters move really clunkily, the draw distance is like 10 feet, the dialog is all horrendous. The gameplay is glorified button mashing. But it's fun anyway. They're fantastic games for stress relief.

Turns out George Clooney was a shark the whole time

On the Early American History CD-ROM, is there any way to create a lasting and functional government without replacing the Articles of Confederation with a stronger federal system?

Hardhome: Great
Cersei arc: Pretty good
Winterfell: More bad than good
Whatever that Dorne arc was: LOL

He's just taking a nap, he's fine

Given that season 5 was a massive step down from any other, I'd say you're not feeling it because you just finished season 5 two days ago

The first five minutes of the first episode will be one continuous shot of Davos hacking up the corpse and then Davos turning to the camera and saying "See? See?! He's really dead!"

If the show gets up to the Book of Revelation, the fans will really be hounding God to finish the next book

Also dumb, just not nearly to the same degree

Our primary system is so, so, soooo dumb. This state has a caucus! This state has an actual primary! This state is winner take all! This state has proportional delegates! Why? Uh….

This is a remake of Patton? I gotta brush up on my WWII history.

There was just an arc in Detective Comics where Jim Gordon got to hang out with the Justice League and solve a mystery. However, it was bad, and involved giant monsters in the arctic auto-cannibalizing themselves.

Millar or Miller, really

He's having an episode!