Doctor Acula

And of course the last time there was a brokered convention was the Democratic convention in 1968, and it led to literal riots in the streets. It's pretty insane when GOP pundits just kind of casually bring up the idea of a brokered convention as an option. I think they're in complete denial about what kind of shit

"To defeat this fire, we must travel back to a world BEFORE FIRE."
"Wait what—"

You may saaay I'm a dramer
But I'm not the only one

The fifth wall is characters directly addressing the projectionist

Hey, in his own words, Trump has won most of the lawsuits against Trump University.

Ray Wise's best work since the Red Alert 2 intro cutscene

What the hell is Nordberg doing in Detroit?

Not being in the In Memorium is the smart move. Tessio was always smarter.

Always recycle, mon ami. To the extreme.

People with nostalgia for the 90s cartoon who don't realize how badly that stuff has aged and who don't realize that Gambit has never really been interesting at all in the comics

it does seem like the crop of potential songs is really consistent. I think a few years ago there were only two even nominated?

don't talk about Olivia Munn like that

lol, Ride of the Valkyries as cut-off music

I think its supposed to soften the blow of them inevitably getting cut off

"Civilization has collapsed and the world is a toxic wasteland. This is Spotlight"

The Food Surgeon will be Surgeon General in Trump's cabinet

It's a guy with different interests than us! Get him!

You make the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ face on your forehead with ashes

Ned Stark wakes up in his chambers in King's Landing.

There's a line in the first issue where he's fighting the zombie kid and says "I've never fought someone so powerful before!" Which… is clearly not true.