Doc Eon


I haven't seen all of the current UK season because of the low availability of torrents for it. :P

She looked as if she'd been roughed up some in her life.

Your lost 10 minutes
Just about everybody made it through Atlanta day 1 choreography, including salsa girl and guy with slug in his shoulder.

Not to mention that anyone watching interested in professional ballroom will have seen the routine that Mark swiped a costume and a bunch of moves from:…

I dunno about Lacey specifically, but her family is as Mormon as they come…

Most of the filler in the results show I just watched with half an eye while working on my laptop.
But the BEP performance I had to skip past completely. Holy crap, that was awful. They've always been shite when singing live, but now they're equally horrible when lipsyncing. They looked haggard and wasted, too.

Yes he does. With a rising pitch at the end.

She must have grown her bush out since last episode…

I wonder…
So is Mordred going to be Merlin's kid on this show? That's a twist. Takes some of the angst out of Arthur's character, though.

So was that Roz?
Was Theon banging the whore who became legendary for being so talked about last episode?

Who's that riding in the sun?
Who's the man with the itchy gun?
Who's the man who kills for fun?
Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad!

Cause, meet Effect
OK, so this planet is crashing into the Earth because it's being pulled here by the marks on people's skulls. And the marks are there because these people have lost hope and given in to despair. If someone can just give them some hope the marks will fade and the evil planet will go away. Got it.

It didn't deal with it - the plan seems to be that if he just acts clumsy enough, people will forget all their previous impressions of him.

Well, it's sort of explained that all the other heroes in the world are busy fighting crime to cover for Clark's taking some peronal time to get hitched. That still doesn't explain who all those extras in the chapel are, though….

@ Batmandu: He does wear the suit, but never in a full-body shot. You just see him from the "S" and up, or just the cape from behind. There's also some long-distance shots of a CGI Supes.

BTW, I'm more interested in this "Auldwulf" dude. Sounds germanic, so the historian in me is hoping they're finally getting around to the Britons vs. Angles & Saxons & Jutes part of the story.

I prefer "Ygraine", just because it looks more old-timey, but IMDb has "Igraine" as the spelling in this version.

What pandatron and natty said. Though IIRC this was never actually explained (or even thought of as an issue) on the show itself. First time I saw the explanation was in the RPG, and after that it seems to have become canon.

@ Hoodwink: I thought the exterior of the inn looked just like the place where all that stuff with the wolves and the butcher's boy happened. But that could just mean the production crew couldn't be bothered to build 2 inns.