Doc Eon

Well, they're technically dna-altering-plant freaks instead of meteor freaks, and most of them seem to have been created intentionally by the evil megacorp rather than through random exposure, but yeah. Pretty similar otherwise.

The daughter's plots just show her to be really dumb. Or at least immature and prone to conclusion-jumping. Which makes me dislike her.

I assume the "It gets better" video was at least partly in response to the revalations about Mondo's and Michael's families and childhoods during the last few episodes. Even though he posted it before they aired.

All I know is that Tim has stopped posting vlogs on his Facebook page, and I'm not buying the lame excuse that someone's feelings got hurt.

I have no idea, but as a viewer I'm willing to stick it out for one season just because the concept has promise. But if they don't improve quality by the season finale, I'm not coming back for seconds.

I guess I'm just a sucker for whatever pheromones Julie Benz is projecting through the screen, because I've liked her in everything. Yes, including Rambo…

He's turning into Alan Alda? How will that help? :P

Robbing banks?

The continuing story of JJ's power
OK, so in this episode he does all his sister's homework, with specific mention of an history essay, and learns a language and related cultural information in an evening.

And Smallville… look how well that turned out. :P

As I understand it, runway days actually take much longer than it seems when edited down. And it does seem like they get new challenges fairly early in the morning, so I would assume there's a night's rest after each elimination.

Oh I just rembered evidence for the pattern-recognition theory: he wins some sort of game at the fair. I didn't quite catch what it was about, though.

@Harv Dent: "intuitive understanding of complex patterns" is pretty close to a definition of high IQ, so that would potentially be very powerful.

Yes, it is incredibly easy to find out if there is any actual cheating going on.

"I wish to plead incompetence."

I'm Swedish, and I've seen a few of the Swedish versions, but not the BBC ones. I find Wallander pretty boring, but then I'm not a big watcher of cop shows, so what do I know. Maybe my perception is coloured by the knowledge that Mankell is such a pompous old fart.

VBFan: they haven't gotten immunity for quite some time now.

I'm sad to see Valerie's model go. She had an interesting look.

I didn't see that scene either, just the parents talking about it in bed.

There's a difference in notoriety between being a cop killer and being a freak of nature. Both are reputations a sane person would want to avoid, of course, but I can see a certain logic in wanting to keep his power hidden.