Doc Eon

This train of thought led me to the question "so how did the writers pick what superpowers to give the family, anyway?"

Someone called him "doctor" something, so I didn't peg him as an exec but as a rival researcher. Which could explain the antagonism: he's after the same funding as she is.

JJ's superpower
If it's just being good at math, then yeah - it's super lame.

"it's hard not to see the premise as being anything other than a live-action The Incredibles" has 2 negations but should really only have 1.

Oh and BTW the dance outfit idea actually sounds interesting. I hope they revisit that for a later challenge.

Yes, it's finally up! And mind-blowing. It seems the quality of this season is wholly dependant on Tim stepping in at the last minute to fix things. Without him it would just fall apart.

Tap tap tap…
… is not the sound of Mondo dancing, but of me waiting impatiently for Tim Gunn to post his recap of this episode…

Yeah, I was perplexed by that too, Karla.

Tim Gunn, the McGyver of reality shows
I just watched Tim Gunn's recap of this episode, and it had some unusually fascinating behind-the-scenes info. If not for his heroic defusing of bad producer decisions, this episode could have been a real train wreck.

And hey, Casanova's model liked it, and we all know how astute the Models of the Runway are when it comes to judging fashion.

I'm mostly with humanist on this.

To be fair, Gretchen's side-boob issue was fixed between the showcase and the runway. It was still a boring outfit, though - just like everything she's done.

Out of all the things I could have found to nitpick about this movie, for some reason the one that is still fresh in my mind is: why does it take the mutants so goddamn long to off that guy?

Time travel
Something I've been wondering - they keep saying "this week" this and "next week" that, as if they actually only had one challenge per week. But that would mean they get 4-5 days (depending on if it's a 1-day or 2-day challenge) every week to just lounge around. So it's really just BS for the TV audience,

I'm willing to overlook Gretchen's runway day styling because she was really hot flashing her abs in the workroom the day before.
Yeah, she's an arrogant elitist, but so am I - we'd be a great match… :P

Yeah, up close it was all rumpled and lopsided and… I suppose "ill-fitting" sums it up. Kristin deserved to go just for being deluded enough to not see the obvious.

I thought this episode was the first one that Gretchen made something non-boring. But the judges had to spread the wins around a little bit.

Hehe, someone needs to explain to Kors how many degrees there are in a circle. ;)

Worst in show
I thought Michael-with-glasses (…. Drummond, I see on rewinding) made the flat-out ugliest dress.

Richard seems to be the name of the third, but he's only given a single sentence and if you're not reading carefully you might conflate him with Scott.