Doc Eon

They start up their new season next week, I see. Thanks for reminding me.

Apparently the voting has not been as solidly behind Kent as the more cynical would assume.
Nigel let slip that "we've never had the same number one" - I'm hoping he diesn't mean that literally, because if there have been 8 different vote leaders in 8 weeks… well it seems unlikely, is all I'm going to say. So taking

I think we're missing the most important revelation of the evening: Gatorade now recognizes dancing as a sport! Yes! Vindication! And where Gatorade goes, the Olympic committee is sure to follow…. (at least in Nigel's mind)

Postulating alternating gender victories is not statistics, it's just superstition.

I couldn't see which one was Lil C until the pose at the end.

Yeah, I was kind of happy that Toni's sore throat seemed to be the worst of this week's injuries… and then Cat had to lay that bummer on me.

Senile dementia is a hell of a thing.

In fact, it was pretty much an All-star routine. Mark was the lead, no Jose or Billy, and the remaining contestants were just backup dancers.

I don't believe anything was said at all when Alex had to go. I think they're trying to keep their options open.

Here's my theory
about why Billy was in the bottom 3.

Ahem, getting back to the guest performance, in my mind it tied in with the American Idol ad - because the singers from In the Heights could actually sing, unlike most contestants on Idol.

Mary has guest judged all the english-speaking iterations of SYTYCD, I'm pretty sure. Unfortunately all the dancers on those shows encourage her bad habits by begging to be put on the train etc.

I thought the choice of music was interesting, and pro ballroom dancers could have made an interesting performance out of it.

Oh, and really sad that we didn't get to see Alex and Anya Foxtrot. :(

Random comments
I liked that Lauren dropped several comments showing that she understands who the voting audience are. Not as dumb as she looks, perhaps? ;)

The karate thing made me think of the Elvis '68 show…

The opening just looked under-rehearsed to me. There was no unison, and none of the dancers looked like they felt the music, they were just doing steps.

Castro, it's simple really: stuff like that is women's version of porn. They all watch it, even if they might deny it, even if they acknowledge it as ridiculous, and they can never explain it in a way that would make sense to a member of the opposite sex.

Also, after the girls are all voted off, perhaps the producers will realize what a failure this format is.

Pady: Yes she is hotter, but I would say DESPITE the dye job. Slumpy might be right that it's the confidence factor.