Doc Eon

As I hinted in a thread above, I just dislike Bollywood in general. But I agree about Kathryn, I would happily watch her doing anything. (Ahem)

Maybe I was cranky last week?
Or very happy this week?

I just don't like Bollywood. At all. And Jose was particularly lost in that routine. Of course, Kathryn was easy on the eyes. Here's an idea: why don't they save the bollywood for all-girl dances?

Oh, and I wasn't suggesting that a ballroom dancer should do a full-on contemporary piece or whatever.

Wow, you have a lot of time on your hands. :)

That was interesting information about the context - didn't know that.

I should perhaps add a disclaimer: when I say "technical" I'm talking about what is usually referred to as technique on this show, i.e. flexibility of the body and a repertoire of moves that show off well on a stage.

The dancing this episode
I dunno, am I just being cranky today?

I don't know what the format is this season, what with all the changes, but Rlab's idea seems reasonable.

Dammit, you reminded me of Janette! Yeah, I'm still mad about that , too, now that I'm thinking of it. :P

All your observations are of course correct.

The correct critiques
Billy: I agreed with Mias comment, he was a tad heavy compared to his partner, that routine needed more lightness.
Christina: She wasn't given a lot of dancing to do, was she? So Nigel was right, she needed to fill out the time between her poses better.
Jose: Bullshit NappyTabs choreo with zero

Was Allison always blonde?

Get a life
I like how the age difference was highlighted by the 11 second interviews. The teenagers basically had nothing to say, which makes sense because nothing much has happened to them yet.

If Jason Gilkinson does all the ballroom routines, people might start voting for them. Not gonna happen tho, he's too busy…

I think the demographic for DWTS is quite a bit older than for SYTYCD.

As for good versions of the show, I think the Australian overall is my favorite. Certainly beats everything other than the first 3 US seasons.

I'm not sure about the legality of torrenting tv shows - they were originally broadcast for free, and usually available to watch on the web as well (if you're in the same country), so I can't really see the harm in it, but logic and law don't always mix.

It seems perfectly logical to me that they will reduce the amount of ballroom routines, just as they have slashed the number of ballroom dancers on the show. To zero, in fact. The salsa girl only counts if your definition is broad enough to include any type of partner dance.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that no more than a third of the routines on any given night have been ballroom - on any season. Often it's been less.