
Could be playing the long con, trying to make the Parks too expensive as a way to drive down attendance and manufacture an excuse to dismantle them, while also having fewer Americans experience them and making them more susceptible to “why should we care about this dumb thing” propaganda so we don’t object when they

Hey, go fuck yourself ok?

Lalas is a bloviating gas-bag in love with his own voice. Nothing he says has any value; he’s just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. He was right to call out this team, but then also said they could win the World Cup, because... I don’t actually know why he would say that, he just did.

Rule of thumb: if you refer to women as “females,” you’re just telling on yourself.

I have two degrees in the humanities which helped me transition to tech. I crushed my colleagues in terms of performance because of how my humanities degree had trained me. I broke out on my own and now make six figures and have a lucrative business. I’m on track for seven figures in a few years. The reality is that

Wtf? I have an English degree and worked in a law office then went into other work I never could’ve imagined. You’re an asshole.

Not to jump on you too hard, but you’re really not correct about the job prospects of humanities majors. I get that this is the punchline—the English major making coffee or the philosophy major bagging groceries. But it’s just not the case, and you owe it to your argument to be better informed.

This is horrifically inaccurate and not supported by any evidence. Students in humanities often find employment in many different fields because they know how to write, think, and collaborate.


West Coast, Best Coast.

Someone else said it much better than I.

So did they ever figure out why so many dudes with CTE get into playing football in the first place?

(Sound of Rich Spencer’s head exploding into fine, red mist)

The Memphis white and blue Bengals helmets should be treated as a war crime.

He gets to go to college. He gets to take classes, have a job, make a career, have a life. He doesn’t have to live with PTSD for the rest of his life because he was raped in high school, he just doesn’t get to play on the fucking college football team (maybe). He’s a rapist. They don’t want him on their team.

And were they given scholarships to play football at a public university, thereby sending public funds directly towards their benefit?

Oh God, so fucking hilarious, a dude turned himself into a pickle, and then loudly said his name next to the word ‘pickle’. TRULY THE WORK OF A ONCE-IN-A-GENERATION GENIUS.


Sucks when someone fucks you non-consensually, doesn’t it?

Reminds me of that Bible verse, 1 Corinthians 13:11: