
Finale was terrible. 20,000 people better beat this shit so I get dead air

Yeah, but is kotor II really that buggy (as compared to the original iteration of new vegas at least)?

KotOR is bioware; the sequel "sith lords" is obsidian

Now playing

After thorough investigation, Ive stumbled upon a definitive answer.

team fortress 2 dev John Cook?

There should be a strong emphasis on the "sometimes" (considering most of the people I know would take transformers 3 over inception), but you are correct.

Mixed reviews? That shit was critically acclaimed

Its regularly 9.99 (hl: Source), so buying it whenever shouldnt be a problem.

There is half life source, and while its a slight improvement in the graphics and physics area on hl1, it is no where near black mesa (mentioned below), which is a full fledged remake of hl1 with the source engine (still in development and without a release date).

Playing half life in its entirety this weekend. Best gaming series of all time.

Why sweet god, why???

The rolling looks really, really stupid.

What is that for, the UK? Dern socialists with all your tea (I kid).

This is a bit of a fib this article. On the main page it says "took top prize"-which is totally untrue because the palme d'or is the top prize (given to the tree of life)-, but on the inside it says took the gold prize in the category of internet. Shame on you Kotaku.

Thats what the picture I just posted says, but it aint poppin up for some reason.


Watch Full Metal Jacket... You'll understand

I smell a sequel (*COUGH *COUGH)