
There once was an idiot from Limerick,

Stakeholder: We’re really into organic forms and how they may be used to inspire automobile design. We’re thinking for the new line up, fish.

It’s going to take me a long, long time to come around on that front end. I appreciate that they swung for the fences, but, man. Catfish vibes.

Black on black 25th anniversary with red stripes.

The typical 80s-90s bad GM build quality with questionable electrical systems doesn’t even faze me. They’re still magnificent beasts, and I wish I had one. I used to have a 1995 S10 Super Sport, so I’m well familiar with GM’s manufacturing, but even so, I would drive the crap out of this:

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

Poppers, Mr Garrison’s drug of choice 

bad for sex.

Current plans involve a multistep process to deposit as much federal funding as possible into as many former STS corporate suppliers, over as many election cycles as possible. Reaching the moon hasn’t historically been the purpose of this present day jobs program.

He is trying to get home before the president (pictured) blows up the world


“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”

Could this shitheel possibly believe that the police, military, and bikers are three groups that DON’t play it tough? They almost exclusively traffic in intimidation.

This illegitimate motherfucker just physically threatened the majority of Americans that disapprove of him.

Total coincidence. China wouldn’t deliberately copy a design from the US. They definitely and unarguably came up with that design on their own.

Whoa! whoa! whoa! Get those facts out of here! Our President got opinions!!!

Clearly aviation crashes and fatalities have increased as planes have gotten more and more advanced.........Oh, wait:

Probably revenge for the absurd US restrictions for people visiting from friendly countries.

Decreased trust in the US.