oh god i loved the shit out of this game back in jr. high. possibly elementary, its all so fuzzy now.
oh god i loved the shit out of this game back in jr. high. possibly elementary, its all so fuzzy now.
Megaman Zero's design was an improvement, bro.
haha, ditto.
So.. reasonable. :/
This.. is.. amazing! I want all of these!
Aw I wanted to do the echoes. :(
Zac Gorman is great. Thats the only comment I should be hearing here.
I was hoping this would be something modern, like Jurassic Park run wild. Then you could have vehicles (or can they ride dinosaurs?) and better weapons, would be more interesting than a non-historically accurate anyhow tribal type of thing. But definitely a cool concept! Do the carnivores get upset if you kill all…
i dont know whats going on in the human / animals on a rainbow picture, but its awesome
this strangely hypnotic. the beginning with the theme song coming in waves was pretty neat. i was waiting for it to end because i did feel like i was going insane after like three minutes haha.. and then realized i'd have to intervene because it was the entirety of these episodes i'd have to wait for it to end on its…
many men doing manly things usually doesn't do it for me, but this weeks was a good one.
oh hah glad you said that because i didn't catch that at all.
**Your mileage for the definition of "schooled" may vary.
I can't get this app to run on my first generation iPad. Just crashes every time at the loading screen. This happens far too often with games now. Theres a point I get to in Plants vs Zombies and the game crashes every time I try to launch it (the first 10 or so levels work fine, but when I reach the point of…
I guess the creator of this(^) meme and the creator of what I believe is longcat (god mode, the white cat on a cloud) were not in the suing mood on this day.
Oh god its such an eyesore (the review box graphic). What a shitty, cracked out graphic. I'm sorry but everything is wrong about it. The font, the colors, the layout. Kill it with fire!
how many hours must one sink into a carnival game to lose that kind of cash? did no one attempt to stop this madman!?
ugh that genital nub. nightmare inducing, indeed.
whats this from?