Divergent Evolution

More moving parts does not make up for the extra storage in any way. Solid state and the evolution thereof is a better future than having to deal with more shit that can wear down and break.

Modern statistics is basically nothing but P-Hacking.

Science is bringing us into no less of a dark age than religion did when in control of society. Most of what they do is either to stroke their own egos or make money for themselves or their employers.

If they dont deliver anything isnt that a breach of KS TOS?

It would be nice if the corrupt, out of date, old farts that call themselves lawmakers gave us the same consumer rights for the digital realm that we have for the physical, but before that happens doesnt KS at least prevent dine and dashes?

Imo corporations and or companies that breach ethics in any way, especially false advertising, or outright lying in this case, should have their assets seized and their company dissolved.

When all you see is color and all you define things as is color, you are a racist cunt.

Aka, you are a racist cunt. Grow up and get a moral compass before you head out on a crusade.

One of the worst things a developer can do for their game is listen to the vocal minority.

The studios are jokes. Instead of spending the amount of money they should on securing their data they rely on tax payer funded legislation they lobby for.

he is a professional liar, there will be costs.

Not surprising, the USA is a nation of terrorists and extremists after all.

Not too long ago adults playing kids games like splatoon was considered creepy. Do you miss club penguin as well?

Maybe get a moral compass before you go on a crusade?

Because then he wouldnt get his payoffs from ISPs?

Capitalism, you made your bed and now you shall lay in it.

That modern education has nothing to do with education and only teaches memorization and conformity.

Damn, the Snowflake culture is spreading like herpes.

Grow some balls and deal with it. People will harass you, shame you and exploit you for your entire life and thats just the government. Learn coping skills, dont go snowflake.

So he is such a douche he gets fired and then says he quit?

Kid is a clown that will never be able to hold a real job his future is nothing but begging for change on the street.

Dont you have to declare a sponsored post? Or are you just that big of a fanboy?

Grow up, seriously. If its nintendo it is for kids to get into gaming. If you are an adult proclaiming the virtues of kids games you are just straight up creepy.

This is what happens when you create a nation of extremists and terrorists.

Truly we live in an Idiocracy, the proof is suggestions like this. How about you stay awake and aware for long enough to retain a proper memory of your doing for more than 5 seconds and you wont need to prove your mental ineptitude by suggesting such moronic, only for halfwits, suggestions like these.

Be better or be

Its called P hacking, look it up before claim you have any journalistic integrity.

The only thing worse than a chauvinist is a feminist.

Evolution works both ways, kids.