
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Do you know what HR people who work in large corporations that have some union and some non-union shops would LOVE to be able to tell the union folks? “If you worked in a non-union shop you would make more and have better benefits, your union takes your money and negotiates

Good riddance. Now can we please please please get a flagship model without speakers? I like only running one input to the TV but I don’t want or need your shitty sounding soundbar. I’m the type of guy interested in buying your $7000 TV, because it has incrementally the best picture. I’m also the type of guy who

I got to listen to one very vocal Trump supporter explain to another the “facts” of the first few months of the presidency at the bar last night. I wasn’t nearly drunk enough.

And the only name we’re seeing is his because he is rich and Facebook is famous. A tiny little town like Tukwila, although proximity to SeaTac probably makes it a good place to run this sting, has an officer trained and at least part time committed to this. This is a town that shows a population of under 20,000

You can buy a V10 M5 with lower miles for that price. You’d hate yourself later but until it blew up you’d have a heck of a lot more fun.

Holy crap people, this isn’t an attack on the poor or a national id card and there is absolutely no reason anyone except an underage drinker should be upset that they attempted to make photo identification harder to fake. The only ones who should be upset are the people who live in states that couldn’t be bothered to

When the dealer can’t be bothered to properly clean AND dry the car before the picture shoot I think it is safe to assume they either don’t give a shit or are working hard to hide the paint imperfections. Either way it is questionable.

1. “Garbage LA roads” This is either a bad joke or some seriously funny shit from someone who has apparently never left socal and tried to drive on roads in somewhere like Michigan.

If you don’t have access to a degausser the best option is a drill press, a few 1/2" holes through the platters does the job just fine.

Tried it, and won’t be paying $10 for it. The controls really are pretty bad, while other runner games seem logical and easy this one is an exercise in frustration. If there is a way to get anything but red toads in rally mode I didn’t find it before I used up my extremely limited supply of tickets.

Just like starfish the arms grow back.

The arms feel sticky, and tend to break off easily so if you do touch one directly you’re likely to end up with arms stuck to your hands.

When you hear Hawking speak it is his synth playing back something he typed over a much longer period of time. Reports seem to vary but it sounds like with a VERY customized recognition program that predicts what he wants to say based on what he personally has said in the past that he can type at about seven words a

It is a manual right? Even with the DSG which is quite possibly the worst transmission on the planet I never really experienced what you seem to be describing when cold with mine. That transmission drove like a 15 year old learning to drive their first manual transmission car so it tended to be herky jerky no matter

Ah, the hood opens sideways as well. That explains the latches both being on the side. I’ll admit that seems like an awful lot of work to make something significantly less functional.

What can we learn?

Ohio, where Trump won by over an 8% margin. Johnson’s 3.1% didn’t swing Ohio to Trump but did get the Libertarian party past Ohio’s stupid 3% hurdle that means they’ll automatically be on the ballot next time around.

I owned a Contour. Yeah I’ll admit that, it wasn’t even a V6 mine was the 4 cylinder “Sport” model. The fact that the X-Type shared a platform with that turd made sure I’d never even consider owning one.

The map would seem to disagree.

So what is the over under on shootings during the event even with the security? It is Chicago but these are Cubs fans so I’m going to guess only 3.