
You know actually when you put it that way it makes me think about it more. Don’t get me wrong that car was the worst financial decision I’ve ever made but...

Man how I wish my E60 M5 ownership experience was more like this. My story is more typical though. My dumb ass thought the car had hit about the bottom of its depreciation curve (I was wrong). My double dumb ass also thought that I didn’t need to pay to get oil samples taken before purchase. So my soon to be broke ass

Can’t you get one already V8 swapped for less? Well that was a quick search:

Holy crap, their web site says that the maximum load they can haul is 800,000 pounds on a total rig weight of 1,500,000 pounds. That would be something to see rolling down the road.

Can we at least acknowledge that $17.50 an hour plus benefits is insane for a minimum wage position? We’re talking about jobs where the only criteria is a pulse and MAYBE pissing in a cup.

Cleveland radio call from Tom Hamilton “There is some idiot on the field running around. I hope they beat the crap out of him.”

Where does a company that has made less than $1.3B in its history get $1.8B to invest in Faraday and $2B to buy Visio if not off the backs of easily fooled venture capitalists? Other than the fact that they’ve bought other things with the VC money instead of just blowing it this strikes me as not that much different

Shouldn’t Obama use an executive action to do something that would actually help airline travelers? Seems his magic pen could disband the TSA and solve a whole lot more problems than the ~.3% of bags that arrive late for the ~.5% of travelers that actually check a bag.

Have you ever worked in HR for a large company where part of the work force is unionized and part is not? You know what the people who have done so would LOVE to be allowed to tell people in the unions? “You’d be making more money and have better benefits if you were at one of the plants that is not unionized.”

GM Engineer 1: “How can we make the Camaro better?”

Colin Furze is a Mythbusters-type character who likes to build cool stuff and film it film stuff for the internet without even a hint of proper safety equipment or planning in use.

That would be a really silly thing to do. Samsung stock is up 10% SINCE the Note 7 problems started. It is down 7.5% today but that just makes it a good choice to buy tomorrow.

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this guy eventually loses a finger. But it won’t be from firecrackers it will be from the way he holds a knife.

Seems pretty dang reasonable to me. Not everyone wants to support the union so why should the funds that were set aside for the use of everyone go towards something many people feel is wrong? $17.50 an hour plus benefits is not a reasonable price point for what should be a minimum wage job no matter if Harvard has the

My wife and I used to take cookies and go watch the One Lap every year it came east. We have several friends who are crazy enough to do it and who were trying to convince us to do it as well. I remember the first time I actually met Brock, we were wandering around paddock taking pictures at what was then called

Hey this time you actually mentioned the victims. That is a big improvement over previous. It is important to remember why the people you choose to give a voice to are rightfully on death row. You forgot to mention that the scumbag laughed during the mother’s victim impact statement during the penalty phase of his

Sounds like they came up with something less effective and much more costly to produce than Lavacore which does everything they set out to do already.

Maybe some bored cataloging clerk got creative with that glass jar Judy scooped up of dead sea salt instead of calling it dirt. I know if I had to catalogue that shit for a living I’d find ways to keep myself entertained.

I’d like mine to be in the “Vitamin C” orange color they put on the Veloster please. Seriously though Hyundai bring something even 70% of this when you actually release the N30 and you have a sale.

How do you say “Why didn’t you turn?” in Arabic?