
I’m done with someone who does not understand basic math or economics. Enjoy your ignorance.

For years I had a corner of the garage dedicated to all the things that broke or were upgraded when autocrossing out WRX. Had a rear differential with roached spider gears, a transmission disassembled to look at the nice shards of first gear, two different sets of coilovers, three different front sway bars, a set of

This is not an exponential growth. This is just a total growth, sounds way scarier in headlines than saying 15% per year. The total increase since 2007 has been widely reported in pretty much every major news organization to have been either 400 or 500%. If they were actually $57 for one in 2007 and $600 for two now

A 400% increase since 2007. You know what else has increased by about 400% since 2007? My health insurance premiums and out of pocket costs. The Epi-Pen is just an example of the overall issue and I don’t understand why all of the articles about its cost increase don’t mention that it is pretty close to inline with

Why the radical step in to only one domino square near the top? Seems like the whole thing was pretty dang stable until they went to the super skinny final tower which was pretty much doomed to fall.

Maybe I phrased it wrong. Even if you are trying to accelerate as fast as you can you really can’t in this car because all it does is smoke the tires. I doubt you could even use full throttle on a prepped drag strip until you hit 60 or 70MPH. It has the power but it can’t be used even if you wanted to hence why I’d

485HP, 245 all season tires. Sounds like an exercise in frustration to me. Even with the optional summer tires it still sounds like a car you can’t use full throttle in for 95% of your driving. It would be less frustrating than trying to put 707HP to the ground on 275s though I guess.

I currently have one of each, Genesis Coupe is up and left and the WRX is down and right. It has never occurred to me that there is a wrong place to put it although the down and left shown in the R8 picture below is what I might call the wrong place since I’ve never had a car like that.

The bugeye WRX was going to be my vote. It is undoubtably ugly, and yet I love it.

When talking about GM winning these cases it should be pointed out that the ones that have gone to trial have so far have been the ones that never should have made it that far. GM is picking and choosing which ones they want to go to trial and win and dragging their feet on the rest. So far we’ve had the mail fraud

What a shit world we live in when the guy who wasn’t at fault in that wreck thinks he needs to put his hands behind his head just so he doesn’t get shot.

32C? There isn’t any place in the ocean that is that hot, we’ve never topped 28 anywhere that I’ve heard of. Was that extreme used just to speed up the process or did they actually have to go that hot to get it to actually happen with this particular coral?

While it is insane this isn’t exactly new. I’d be surprised if any higher end audio store in the US didn’t have a dedicated transformer and most larger houses (the type where someone who can afford that crazy shit is likely to live in the US) would have their own as well. It may be unusual in Japan because the houses

Could have been worse. At least the windows were rolled up when it happened.

I watched the time delay replay of the men’s synchronized diving last night. If you aren’t impressed by that I don’t think you watched. The Chinese were simply amazing.

Just because it holds a bullet and looks sort of like a gun does not mean it is a gun. The only moving part on it is the cylinder and it doesn’t even appear to have a hole for a barrel. Even the TSA, right there in that link you posted but likely didn’t read, says it is a replica firearm. Still illegal to bring onto a

Been all over the Cleveland area and have yet to see an Ekans. If you need Pidgeys Rattatas or Weedles we’re in the right place but with almost 700 Pokémon caught I’ve yet to see a Ekans at all.

I’d go with the simplest answer. Someone sucks at their job and let something they should not have through the first time. From my observation I’d say that pretty close to 90% of people in private industry simply are not very good at what they do and that approaches 99% for those in the public sector.

It seemed like a neat concept, then I spent a bit of time playing with a co-worker’s P900 and found that it isn’t a good camera in any way other than the gimmick of 83x zoom. It takes shitty pictures at any focal length, and it is slower than any other point and shoot I’ve tried in the last ten years to focus at any

I love the description I really do but it seems to describe the 1st gen cars. The 2nd gen ones, the ones we are now losing are a totally different beast and are wonderful. Most people don’t even realize that the 2nd gen cars, 2013-2016, exist and that is a shame because pretty much everything described as being wrong