
Changi in Singapore has movie theaters, they show current releases for free. It also has a butterfly garden and several very relaxing koi ponds. They also offer city tours, the buses are officially part of the airport so you can tour the city without ever clearing immigration or claiming your bag if you have a long

I’ve got say if they do bring a three door i30 with a 2.0 turbo or even the 1.6 turbo they already sell in Europe over here they’ll have at least one sale in me. Hyundai seems to get overlooked for performance quite often but I’ve been totally pleased with my Genesis Coupe.

And if it were not a contaminated shit hole it likely wouldn’t have stayed with the Motors Liquidation Company (stock ticker MTLQU $11.15) instead of the new and totally above board and not bankrupt General Motors (stock ticker GM $31.07, ). Absolutely amazing how you can create money out of nothing when you play

Glass is weird when it decides to go. In younger dumber days I used to have a really nice glass beer pitcher. Came out of the dishwasher too hot to pour beer into so my dumbass decides to cool it off with cold tap water first. Something about the way that piece was made meant I got lucky and was just holding an intact

“stringent security setup” giggle.

You sound like you believe that what unions are doing is actually in the best interest of the worker and not just in the best interest of the union. I’d love to believe that such a situation actually exists but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.

I doubt very much that it hurts the worker to be promoted. It does however make the union one person less powerful which is all the union actually cares about. The union exists to make sure the union continues to exist not to help the worker.

Real beer: Water, barley, hops, yeast. Bud\Coors\Miller: water, rice, barley, yeast, hops, maybe not in that order. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you’ll never actually see an ingredients list on the back of a Bud Light which contains so little actual barley it would probably have to be listed after hops

I’d think meteorologists talking about climate change would be about the worst thing possible for climate change acceptance. We are talking about a profession that can’t accurately tell me whether it will rain tomorrow or not and you want them to talk about what the weather might be like in 20-50 years? Nobody will

Do they actually have better color and contrast? I’ve heard before the argument about contrast, but had never heard they did better on color. Or is it more that the panels have better color and contrast because they are in more expensive gear and tend to be better quality to begin with, irrespective of whether they

I’m saying the Acadia is a steaming pile that is arguably worse than anything else GM makes. Out of all of the been on the lot for over 110 days vehicles a GM dealership has sitting around giving her the Acadia sounds like an insult to me.

And it even has the high glare screen like a MacBook. The simple fact that you could take that first picture is reason enough not to even consider looking any further. Never understood many of the more expensive laptops going down that path, the screen doesn’t need to be shiny on your shiny fancy laptop, it needs to

The “I’ll never go back because they gave me an Acadia” type of attention? Can’t imagine being happy about getting an oversized underpowered loaner.

Yes, let’s give a big chunk of money to the government and make them responsible for handing it out to the folks actually damaged in this. I’m certain that at least 6% of the funds will actually reach their intended recipients and not get wasted on administration, processing or outright fraud. First step, hire a

I wonder how they would have put a residual on a lease on a car that is typically selling for 50% over MSRP. My guess is that you can’t get a normal lease on one much less a shared lease. I can picture it now, $549 per month with only $48,000 down.

There isn’t any need for intentional disruption, the incompetence of not having ANY backups at all seems to show they didn’t need any help to fuck up what any systems admin in the country knows how to do.

Regular people didn’t sign a federal document declaring that they complied with all federal records retention protocols while working for the federal government. The penalty for lying on said document is up to 5 years in prison and more importantly never being allowed to work for the federal government again. We know

I think BMW went most of the way against DIY maintenance when they replaced a $2 dipstick with a $218 sensor to determine oil level. I think that started with the E46 3 series if I recall correctly. But the E60 was definitely clear up to the point of absolutely no DIY. New battery, oil change, cabin air filter change

Are they actually doing anything more than disconnecting the battery?