  1. Plant trees.

So Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire don’t count? Never mind Oregon and Washington who’re also at the bottom of the list.

That’s a little unfair to states in the northeast and northwest that have done a moderately OK job compared to the rest of the country.

Hot rods should be built, not bought.

I think, and hope, that the US is finally learning that a deeply federated system such as ours doesn’t allow us to tackle big problem easily or at all. Just look at the messes from the last year or so: vaccine delivery, voting systems, pandemic response, climate change, infrastructure...

Never be in a blind spot, ever. —Small Car Haver Person

Planting pipe bombs around the capitol, storming the building itself while the House is in session, and traipsing through with nooses is, by definition, an insurrection.

They call themselves “autists” and talk about “tendies”. That all comes from some very offensive 4chan greentext...that seems pretty edgelord-y to me.

It’s grifters grifting grifters all the way down.

Lacking any other option, I’m going to look in to this. The only relatively headache free time in my life was when I had a night guard...I’m just too stubborn/cheap to spend $400 on something like that.

I’ve been a photographer for nearly 20 years, I spent about half of that in video production. Trust me when I say: don’t be so bold in declaring “never”. Computational photography is the wave of the future, Dude. Phones are glimpse of the possibilities, and those possibilities are wild.

I had Kaiser dental for a few years. They offered a night guard for a straight $50 as long as you had any Kaiser dental coverage. I imagine this was largely because it reduced overall number of appointments/visits.

Crackle tunes are the fucking worst.

OH! I read your first remark wrong, I think.

Someone actually did the same thing to an ND Miata (a 2019!!!) but also replaced the seats so they lost the side impact airbags as well. What the hell?!

These are excellent suggestions.I have an on-call job too, but we take 1 week shifts on our team. I’ve taken turning off all email notifications when I’m not on call or backup (we usually get an email a few minutes before being called by the call center). I also turn off my Teams notifications after-hours. I do my

Said the circlejerky Tesla stan.

As if Tesla drivers weren’t already giant assholes. These “designs” will only reinforce the stupidity.

Sending as a Word doc shows a profound lack of technical skill or knowledge as to the reasons why sending a .doc is a Bad Idea.

Weird looking Fire Chicken. +1