
I’m not great at it, but nailing the perfect one just puts the biggest, dumbest grin on my face.


But as they say on the internet, porque no los dos?

you have to tell me if you’re a cop

I owned one of these, or, at least, a sedan version.

I feel personally attacked. (on my third Mazda...this time a Miata)

That hasn’t been a problem in about a decade and a half.

Thank you Kristen, this is good stuff. I live in the area, those intersections have much shorter yellow light times.

I’ve got some photos of a sea otter, uh, orally, uh, self-completing, as it were. Do those count?

Bob Iger, while leaving the throne room boardroom, reportedly quipped, “I wish you good fortune in the warrs to come.”

I did everything in my power to end up on a small boy when I was in.

Wow ummm. competitive pubg.... is not appealing at all

Sounds like an Airing of Grievances is in order.

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to stripmine, drill, trash, frack, pollute, poison, cut down, burn, and waste it.”

Goddamn! Now this is some good-ass Kinja.

Don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

Hastag #humblebrag.

There are billions of reasons not to buy this car, at any price.

Shortly afterward, Ingenito wrote a lengthy response on Twitter, saying that he “overestimated or perhaps misread the degree of our friendship” and “didn’t graphically describe anything or force sexual conversations on her or anyone.”

I only regret that I have but one star to give for this post...