
Jalopnik Gold.

Losing 30 Rock is a shame. I love that show.

This is goodass Kinja.

Hot take: craft beer won. The end goal was always to make beer in the US better, if not great. The natural evolution of capitalism is the growth of successful small businesses into large ones. Rogue, Deschutes, Firestone Walker among many others are not small time micro producers any more. The movement forced macro

Definitely. I find platformers that glitch to be kind of boring, but glitching or simply manipulating RPG quest scripting or resource stacking (especially Bethesda games like Morrowind) to get the result is kind of fascinating.

I think you’re right. The amount of force required for a human body to break any (properly installed and functioning) part of the seat belt system would result in death just about every time.

I get that. Internet Hot Takes suck. My point mainly was that most folks will more than likely be using the web version of Spotify on a desktop, so this issue is generally limited to that market share. My guess is this has to do with Safari’s lack of support for the Ogg Vorbis audio format that Spotify uses, but I

The general consensus is that Safari is 14.9%, and that includes iOS. Measuring desktop only that number drops to 5.5%.

Living just a few miles west of here, I did not doubt this photo for a second.

Pretty sure that sumbitch are the entire Lays delivery truck. And the driver.

I like loud cars, in the right places and at the right times. I’ve even though about putting a larger muffler on my own car.

I love Ze Germans.

Are people not aware that on most mobile platforms you can long press for a save menu?

Dis our kitteh. She meets us at the door every day when we get home from work, walks outside and rolls around.

For people who like to bitch about false flags it sure seems to me they do a lot of the fakery.

Right you are! My brother is 35 and I’m 30. My wife, brother, and my parents still do day trips together. We enjoy it, largely because we don’t pressure ourselves to enjoy it. We also don’t pressure each other to even do the days. There’s no expectations. It works for us.

Steaming piles of Hot Take® like this are why I always read the comments.

Is it worth the hate read or do people with a soul actually visit that part of the site and comment?

The joke-> .
