
It's great. But keep in mind — when I started reading comics in 1973 the Avengers were a Vietnamese woman, a Roma mutant woman, a red-skinned synthizoid, an international criminal, and an African man. (Yes, and Thor, Iron Man and Cap but they didn't get much plot). Marvel has always tried, and then tried harder, be

Be-eee waiting for me baby when I come around

No doubt, I think I'm stuck on the human-inhuman/mutant issue. Because is super humans are scary, super humans reproducing are scarier. But if the question is the threat of superhuman force — which it was in the comics Civil War — it's a difference without a distinction because either type of enhanced could be seen

The comics science explanation is that his scream acts on cells in the brain and makes the brain produce a toxin that creates the psychedelic comas. Spider Woman (Jessica Drew) becomes immune after an initial exposure to toxins — so his scream creates the toxin but her brain cells are no longer affected by it.

He put them in a catatonic psychedelic trip. If his power is the same as it was in the comics anyway. It clears up after a few hours. Spider Woman and Wolverine are immune.

Ahhhh, enhanced has to be broken in 2, or maybe three. There's enhanced like Deathlok or Cal's crew, and then there's enhanced at a genetic level, like Captain America, Spiderman, and the FF. Of course in the comics Angar could be in that group, and the science used to enhance him was alien as well.

Yes it becomes like the Green Lantern movie — who could anticipate a heel turn by a guy named "Sinestro"?

This. Slutty? Sue? Naahhhhh. Namor would be a much happier guy if that were the case.

And all she and Gambit needed before that was a closed bedroom door, a nintendo DS, and Leech sitting in the hallway. And a condom, I suppose.

but it certainly couldn't have hurt, right?

How does it walk? However it wants to.

It is just a name change, but that simple change made Batman feel local in a way that other DC and Marvel characters didn't. It maybe a fairly unique set of circumstances because old South American money is a lot like old North American money — except the heritage is from Spain instead of England. Lord Delaware is

Just for the record, Batman is all over the world. South American kids think he's named Bruno Diaz and think Gotham City is Buenos Aires.

I work in a public building and I keep a baseball on my desk. And yes, it's intent is to bean an active shooter.

Nothing stereotypical about her martial arts skill — SPOILERS FROM 40 years ago — she was raised and trained by Kree priests, who merely passed as Asians. Her skills and other power set always had a cosmic edge — she would drop Thor and Cap in fights, and humans don't so that sort of thing.

Flight, flight, flight. It's just a choice of beauty over power.

I think her healing factor — which isn't Wolverine level but is much stronger than most Marvel folks with healing — would reject breast implants. Seriously I do. Plus it would be out-of-character also...

To folks in South America, Batman is Latino. He protects Ciudad Gotham and his alter ego is Bruno Diaz. My Argentine brother-in-law says he always thought Gotham was Buenos Aires.

Ich bin Groot