
I don't think asking more questions then 'absolutely zero' is bending over backwards. Tibet officially doesn't exist, so they don't exactly have a huge well of actors to pull through to cast an actual Tibetan person as The Master.

Huge difference in context though.
Duncan Jones has turned a fun trashy shallow game into a fun trashy shallow movie.
Trank turned a fun cheesy colourfully comic into a dark brooding gritty movie.

How many Tibetan actors are there though? Especially ones that are on a Hollywood level, speak English and are members of SAG? Wikipedia's 'list of Tibetan actors' is like 7 people long.

I'm still salty that they cast a british dude and a yank as the Australians in Pacific Rim.

you know that the holywood producers that cast Tilda Swinton aren't the same people that cast Bond right? Like there two entirely separate companies?

It wasn't an 80's commedy unless there was at least one 'heroic' rape.

I mean that's basically consent!

If you're interested I've got a letter written by a drummer for some band that does just that.

wait what does dr luke have to do with this, or is this just a general hatered for dr luke, cause I'm fine with that.

those tats look an awful lot like prison tats.

On the one hand, suck shit, I hope you lose more gigs for being a sack of shit.

well not yet anyway.

"Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal"

I am more invested in the charecters of Saints Row then I've ever been in anyone in any GTA.

I'm pretty sure teh 'sorry I'm late' being a cliche was the joke considering his name is 'holywood'

I am so fucking LUDICROUSLY excited for this.

oh god I just had to google that… wow Axl… fucking wow.

See also: Every fucking fairy tail. My mum used to get us the propper fairy tail books before we got to see the Disney movie of it, man there is some shit going on in them.

Nah the worst possible ending is 'It was only a dream… OR WAS IT!?' I'm looking at YOU little seen Edward Furlong horror movie from the mid 90's Brainscan! DONT THINK I FORGOT YOU JUST CAUSE EVERYONE ELSE DID!

Janky is the Adgective of Jank, something that is Janky has lots of Jank.