
I have no idea, but the ending of the hans christen anderson book is she immediatly regrets her decision, realizes that she can never be with her sisters again, throws herself into the ocean to commit suicide and becomes the foam on the waves

there uh…. um….

Everyone else: I prefer beyonce

Ha! You feel that BERN Bernie Bros!

You're first mistake is assuming there are any Trolls in Trolls 2. Because that movie is entirely about fucking Goblins, and it's more of like a gross green slime. But yeah pretty much.

It might be both reasons, cause they've had to change Bumblebee in the toys as well, even teh 'classics' line that is supposed to be just the original G1 designs changes Bee from a VW to a hatchback.

Oh contempt I could totally fucking buy, laziness not so much though.

Yeah fair point on him having coverage, but I'm not gonna pretend I know what kind of extra footage he had available to him. I seriously doubt laziness has anything to do with it considering the frankly absurd amount of effort put into the visuals in Transformers. I've watched a bunch of the making ofs, and with all

Considering it's a shot of an ocean full of aircraft carriers. I mean I know Bay has a lot of pull with the military but that doesn't seem like something he could just organise again at the drop of a hat.
The other option would be going CG I suppose, but he hates using unnecessary CG and tries to get as much 'in

fair enough. I feel like if there's one thing that you can't really critiscize Bay for it's his willingness to blow shit up.

You mean when he reused the shot of the car getting destroyed that he had to use because the stuntman in the original shot died and he wanted to be respectful of the dude? I find it hard to fault him for that to be honest.

You're one of the cool kids now!

Negative. Jank is when something is like, not bad, but awkward and not as polished as it needs to be. When something is made with like great ideas but in execution it just doesn't quiet come together the way it should.

Yeah the monster of the week stuff is fun, but I doubt the show would be up to what… season 10? If it had stayed with just that. It needs to actually go somewhere. Also man the fucking balls on them to go with the 'we need to stop the appocalypse' story and then just have them… fucking fail. I'm super pumped to see

I saw one, it looks pretty dumb. The big blocky designs of the toys just look jank as fuck in 'real' life.

Nah VW wouldn't let them use a Bug for the first movie.

Volkswagon wouldn't let them use the VW bug for the movie cause they didn't want their product to be associated with a violent war focused franchise.

I really enjoyed it. I really loved the whole introduction of the angels and that it's started to go more 'bigger picture' rather then just 'demons rar rar their bad' (Wich was getting old after 3 seasons)
Also them introducing the fucking novel/fanfiction sub plot is god damm hilarious.
And yeah Castiel is pretty

Had a super unvenetfull weekend catching up on old stuff. So I've marathoned season 4 of Supernatural and played a bunch of Nier.

yeah I just watched it, there's also the line of him talking about how he's there to make everyone else happy "I'm trying to give you something that I can't give myself"