
Ok well played at Google for directly calling out that dudes like Mensch are the actual problem.

oh god and catwoman, good call.

I promise you it's work safe but also mind destroying.

As long as I don't have to look into his bulging eyes.

Shit I actually skimmed the article looking for an answer for that.
That just makes me thing… have the tallent never seen a filmclip? They know it's gonna get blured right?

Because I genuinely want an answer to why people would watch something for the sole purpose to bitch about it.

something about the way this guy talks in the text makes me think he's super sleazy. I can't put my finger on it, something just feels 'off' I think it might have been the bit where he starts going on about how his videos are about making the most money for the artist.

The fucking video overlayed on the phone and the pc screen were really awful.

So other people enjoying something that then MAYBE makes them not watch something that you enjoy is what upsets you? This is getting increasingly tenuous. Also isn't that inherently the point of a lot of film criticism and review, to inform readers (Or viewers) what is worth watching?

oh man you're right it really is isn't it.

you mean the BEST choice for the magic mike franchise.

It's called Vice Principals and also has a dude from Megashark vs Crocosaurus and a chick from Cockneys vs Zombies in ti.

I guess the idea of hate watching shit never really clicked with me, like I watch a lot of just… awful shit, but that's because I have awful taste and think it's great.

So other people enjoying something that you don't upsets you? You realize that's insane right? People can have different tastes and like different things. I think sea food is gross, I'm not upset that other people eat it though.

Sorry, half the stuff I'm saying is directed at you and the other half is kind of just, the general vibe of this entire comment thread. Like a lot of people (Including the original video) seem super intent on hating on something that they have no obligation to pay any attention to. It's really kinda weird.

so wait if she goes back in time to the crash, does she get to stop her boyfriend from diying? Or is it just 'do it over again'
Cause getting to relive your life with memories of what happened would be rad as fuck.

My point is you don't find it funny, and that's fine, a lot of people do, that's also fine. But you're the one seeking them out to listen to their jokes that you don't think are funny. If you go of you're own accord to someone else place to listen to them make fun of you, then no matter how unfunny or stupid they

Why would he? He's enjoying what he's doing and making money from it.

yeah like, ok some people don't find it funny. That's cool everyone has a different sense of humor. He's not telling people to go and steal babies and sell their organs or anything. It's pretty fucking harmless in the grand scheme of things.