
I am baffled as to why so many people care about cinema sins enough to be upset by it.
Watch a video, realize this isn't for you, close the video and move on with your life.
You're allowed to not enjoy something and just… stop watching it.

No it's more like you going over to someones elses house who you know loves to make juvenile jokes about how you boil water for the sole intention of listening to them making dumb water boiling jokes, then getting upset at them for doing it.

then don't watch them and move on with your life? Someone making a product that you're not a fan of on the internet isn't really reason to get upset.

The problem is half their sins are dumb jokes like that, so any attempt to take them as 'serious film criticisim' is fucking dumb because obviously their not taking themselves that seriously.

That's hardly the Cinema Sins dudes fault that his videos became popular.

wait am I not supposed to like the photo copier death scene from office space? Cause fuck you that scene is amazing.

is there a female best actor winner that has started doing trash like this that we could replace jenifer garner with?

Man I watched like 4 seasons of that and honestly don't remember any. But I was only kind of half paying attention cause man that show was uneven as FUCK in quality.

oh shit did he show up in Rebels, man I need to catch up on that shit.

well if what you're saying is that it became so ingrained in people because it was counter to the depressing type of films that proceeded it and so people that were born after that era can never understand what makes it special. Then that seems to point to its success being more tied to it being right place, right

Precisely because we're not him.
First rule of creating any kind of art is get someone elses eyes on it because you're too close to it to see flaws. You might think you've made the hottest shit in the world, but of course you do that's why you made it, that doesn't make it good. So you get other people that you trust

The addict thing was more just a reference to him acting like an addict, his addiction is beating the shit out of people (That is a sin right?) and he doesn't actually seem to want to stop, so is it worthy of forgiveness if he's fairly confident that he's just gonna go out and do it again the next night. Like doesn't

so what made star wars so special was more it was the right film at the right time and not that it was actually good?

Oh man…. I hate to break it to you but he's totally been resurrected in the modern canon. He's in The Clone Wars cartoon.

man watch the clone wars, Obi is all about getting some poontang.

Watching the prequels I never picked up on the whole virgin birth, when Qui Gon Jin asks and she's just like 'there is no father' I always thought it meant she just didn't want to talk about it. Like she'd been raped or something and didn't really consider anyone to be a father. I had no idea we were supposed to take

Isn't the whole point of being Jewish you don't beleive in the jesus shit?

He did a TED talk about it once, apparently the reveal that Darth vader was lukes father like… intrinsically broke him on the inside to the point that he is obbsessed with recreating that reveal, but doesn't really understand it.

OK first, who the hell treats the first matrix with contempt now? That movie is amazing. The sequels sure, but I've never really heard a bad thing said about the original?

There is actually a kind of explanation for this and it just makes things way worse. The star wars world lacks any kind of real mass produced media. You never see movies, tv shows, holo videos, books, cds. There's no tv coverage of the pod race, only live spectators, there's no news reporters at senate meetings, etc.