The Porkchop Express

Being American, they may let you in to get your money. In a striking parallel, if you're from one of the countries on their southern border and are trying to immigrate to have a better life for you and your family, they're no where near as welcoming.

All I'm going to say on this subject is that Pepto needs to enlarge and bold the side affect warning of possibly turning your shit black. When your insides are already bad enough to warrant taking their medication, having that surprise afterwards can be a little disconcerting.

If you don't laugh, the shit's just going to get darker.

You, sir, have won the Internet Cup for the day. Just remember that 90% of the internet is porn. So… I wouldn't touch it without gloves on.

They mentioned Elian above, which is why I left him out. I think the Waco thing was a huge reason after coming on the heels of Ruby Ridge that the public didn't trust her. It was either that or not trust the saxophone playing President. But come on, man, he was cool.

Look up the stand-offs in Waco, TX as well as leaking that Richard Jewell was a suspect in the '96 Atlanta Olympics bombing that made that man a pariah in the media until it was revealed that he wasn't responsible for the bomb and was actually a hero for clearing people out of the area. Just for starters.

Or just this thing called the internet?

Yeah, no one ever claimed that Arnie was an actor. He was a an action movie star. Big difference. Plus, he's shown an ability to make fun of himself.

Would you please stop Harpoing on with the bad puns?

I've heard more Paul Anka than anyone under 60 should ever hear. And you're right about how our generation got swept up in the nostalgia of the adults who came in charge of our media. The late 80's saw the return of hippiedom to the public conscious. The 90's moved on to disco and bellbottoms. Now our generation's

"Boats and hoes!"

As great as Ferrell and Reilly are together, my favorite line comes from Dale's dad:
When I was a kid, when I was a little boy, I always wanted to be a dinosaur, I wanted to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex more than anything in the world, I made my arms short and I roamed the back yard, I chased the neighborhood cats, I growled

I find that no different than him falling several floors and being jerked to a stop without at least dislocating his back. The Die Hard films were still action movies. They just weren't as over the top with shrugging off pain as the rest of them were.

I can understand that some people may prefer the drawn out cat and mouse of being trapped in the building vs the ticking clock; but the third movie is just as fun as the first and lets McClane be in the same room with his sidekick.

I don't understand why With a Vengeance doesn't get more love. It's a great movie that builds on the first Die Hard without just being a generic photocopy of if. It ups the action without forgetting that McClane gets hurt where other action stars just shrug it off.

They didn't even shoot the Submarine scene because the Sub wouldn't accept just being paid scale.

Does the trainer starting punching it as say "Right you are, sir."? If not, you should fire that guy.

Blow it out your ass, Howard.

"You sure do use your tongue prettier than a 3 million dollar whorebot."

Do Robots Fart Electric Beans?