The Porkchop Express

As a kid I always misheard the next line as 'and the heart attack would say "Thank you for being a friend"'. It makes no sense, but I was like 7 and it was a show about old people. I just thought that it's one of those adult jokes that I was too young to get.

I don't think their original idea was to change every few months. I think they were forced into it because Hammond's Col. was more like a creepy old sexual predator than someone you'd buy a family meal from.

Listen, Mississippi doesn't have much going for it; but its contributions to music are paramount. And that writer goes with the damn Judds!

Any of you homos play Cards Against Humanity… I'll cut ya.

I'm now imagining a scene much like the church scene from 'Kingmen' but directed by Benny Hill.

You must not recall the 1980's.

Exactly. I'm more interested in what the Department of Energy though about the Electric Company revival they did a few years back.

You haven't seen it yet, so you might be jumping the gun on this one.

Featured prominently in the new Transformers movie.

You don't press the button in time, there's an awkward fart.

Is that so you can have that vibe of old school Hollywood leading man but still in the closet lycanthrope going?

Raimi's Spider-Man always felt like the comic book on the big screen. It just pisses me off how Sony screwed it all up.

You obviously don't remember Pearl Jams's 'Jeremy' being played every hour on Mtv.

That's because with all the other costumes, you have to actually put them on. This one is a powder that you coat yourself with and just add water.

We'd never make it past, "This is the nuclear warhead launch button. You should never press it."

Hollywood has always had horrible math skills. "We'll pay Tom Cruise $20 million because our research shows that his star power alone is worth an extra $5 million in box office returns." "Can't we just pay some other just as good but lesser known actor $5 million and not lose the $15 mil that Tom's going to cost us?"

I just like how cyclical the whole thing was. Kurosawa was trying to make Westerns for the Japanese, and Hollywood turned his samurai movies into Westerns.

Dude, it's Hollywood. You don't have to write it. It doesn't even have to get made. You just have to sell it.

"Kurdsploitation" sounds like a terrible subgenre of porn.