The Porkchop Express

I never understood the obsession with turning hit video games into movies. You know why they're popular? Because the gamer is in control. Yes, I'd like to be able to vent my frustrations at the world by pretending to be a criminal/hitman/super soldier and steal cars/cleverly assassinate people/shoot aliens for not

Man, that movie was so much better than Blair Witch. It holds up the illusion of it being a legit documentary up until they decide that it's time to peel back the curtain.

"A hooker cut to look like Lana Turner is still a hooker."

I admit that the timing may be a bit off…

That's a problem with a lot of kids movies/books/entertainment that is never really considered outright: that the adults are just incompetent, mean dicks. "Oh, grandpa, you've laid up on your ass for years contributing nothing to the family but sponging off of it; but now that I've got a ticket into a magic chocolate

I blame it on everyone having my old AOL email address and not my Gmail one.

They got they same thing that's killing the bees.

Well, this just proves that they were right, doesn't it?

Wow. Talk about unrealistic expectations. Not everyone can afford a personal trainer to get those abs.

Don't they know that kids make bad judgements?

Jesus Christ! I thought that I was a slow eater.

That would be pretty much any ice cream or shake machine at a fast food joint. A high school friend worked at McDonalds and told me the same thing about their ice cream machine. He's the first one to tell me about McD's condiment guns.

That bit floored me because I had just moved to Hattiesburg to go to college. Met him at a con in 06 or so. When he asked me where I was from, I did my best (worst?) Zorak and said "Hattiesburg". I don't think that it registered.

Met him at a couple of cons over the years. He was a really friendly guy and loved to talk about his other interests too (like Ray Harryhausen films). Sad news.

It's nice to be able to buy just one cheap thing and not have to worry about paying more than what it's worth to have it shipped to me.

No, they certainly don't hold up (though I will say that He-Man has some of the best background artwork of that era). I'll even toss in Thundercats to that list of shows that don't hold up. Even then, you still had some quality work in the 80's. Duck Tales was a vanguard to an era of quality Disney animated shows.

Yes, they did. A two parter.

I liked the old Joe cartoon, but I still wouldn't call it the best of the 80's. You still have 'The Real Ghostbusters'.

He-Man predates GI Joe by at least a year.

There was always the one kid who had the USS Flagg. I was not that kid.