The Porkchop Express

The one done by Shatner? I'm amazed at how good he is at interviewing people. But, yeah, TNG was a mess those first couple of seasons.

I hope you're talking about a musical instrument.

Roddenberry was way too saccharine with Trek by the 80's. TOS had an episode where a crewman was bigoted against Romulans and then against Spock when they found out that Romulans looked like Vulcans.

It's stupid to put people who are good at math in the same room as people who aren't and need more help. You wind up screwing up both groups of kids. We need a better system that helps students at their level and not the system's convenience.

Years ago a friend had just come out as gay to everyone, which means that every conversation had to somehow relate to how he was gay. It was a dick move; but because he was a big Trekkie, we'd start talking about how the lack of gay characters in Trek meant that they were probably all eliminated in the Eugenics War.

I think that the main problem with an 'ism' (whether it be communism, socialism, capitalism, liberalism, conservatism) is that they tend to think that all people are going to react the same way to one outcome. That's just not true. There are altruists and assholes both. I don't mind Trek being an allegory for

Which is the first ever instance of the Federation being a moneyless society being mentioned in Trek. There are a number of references specifically to the Federations currency of the credit in TOS before then. By the late 70's/early 80's, Rodenberry was pretty much rewriting the basic principles of Trek.

I think there's also a lot of people who went out into space to get away from the Federation. But, yeah, the continuity on the issue is murky at best. How could a Harry Mudd succeed if there weren't people willing to take advantage of the goods and services that he's offering? It's also kinda scary that the solution

The reason for so many job requiring bachelors degrees is because more and more people starting getting them. Plain and simple.

Which actually proves my point. Had there been a password and locking command, Troi would of been butt naked and giving Barclay a reach around.

That's how the real science of it boils down. The amount of energy to send just a molecule across a distance as great as a low orbit is ungodly. Much less sending an entire person. While Trek transporters actually transport, a more realistic approach would be what you described of simply sending the info to make a

There are several discussions on both TNG and DS9 that indicate that it is the norm but there are people who prefer to do it the ole fashioned way.

Actually, it's turned into the clothes everyone wears. That's right. Those boots Picard is wearing… honest to God shit kickers.

I just suspected some futuristic version of the astronaut suits that's more streamlined and utilitarian, but you could still pee in.

The soil that something grows in can affect the taste. As well as is there were any fertilizers, pesticides, etc. A replicator would give the a tomato based on it's genetic make-up free of all the other environmental factors. The same with water filtered through a Brita compared to fresh artisan well water straight

Everyone's fixation on the past always led me to believe that this Utopian society was stagnating. That's why they were constantly collect old things. Books, music, art.

The boys can do with the occasional breeze.

No blood for Dilithium!

I suspect that TNG San Fran is nothing but Starfleet at that point.

But you also have references in the TOS series about Starfleet spending thousands of credits on the training of individual officers and such. The original idea was that they got rid of internal conflict (war) and poverty. Not money.