The Porkchop Express

I'm surprised that Honeycombs survived all those lawsuits from turning kids into coke infused hairballs.

I'm surprised that Honeycombs survived all those lawsuits from turning kids into coke infused hairballs.

The first one wasn't as bad an adaptation as Transformers. The 90's movie, to me, hit a good balance between the comics and the cartoon series and the limited FX of the time. I didn't like the 'realness' of the reboot design. The bad thing about improving CGI is that everyone thinks that means everything has to be

I know some people who lived a couple of years in Moscow. Street vendors sell rotten fruits and vegetables there like hot dogs or pretzels here. Seems that the Russian people got so used to eating food that had sat for too long in warehouses before being distributed that they still have a taste for it.

Exactly. What I really hate is that they put up Season 3 or 4 in the menu before Season 1. If I haven't watched Season 1, why would you try and make me start with the third season?

I bought it off of Landoslist.com. It seemed like a great bargain for a "one of a kind view of the water".

From the linked article about the fake Cherokee:
''Swift Deer'' was quickly exposed as a fraud by the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, Wilma Mankiller.

Technically, it was a stingray his ass, but the media was very kind and subtle with the coverage.

"Why is it mostly just ugly people that want to have sex on TV?"

It was somewhat horrifying to see just how fucked up people were with sex. There's already enough confusing shit going on with regular sex for a budding teen. That show just over complicated the whole damn thing.

I think Lucas went back and re-edited that scene because he didn't feel that audiences would root for a guy who wasn't fiscally responsible.

Now, I owe more on my home mortgage than what its worth. My Dagobah dream home is underwater. Literally. The damn thing sunk into the swamp.

It's Star Wars. They'll just lop off that hand with a lightsaber.

It's been forever since I've seen it (maybe 20 years). Wasn't the movie supposed to be based of the events of the first, which is what allows them to just use it in that scene?

"Now, Alfred, how many times have I told you not to call here and interrupt my kong fu!"

And a nip slip.

Delivery means a lot. For instance, TNG's half-assed episode dealing with homosexuality is pretty terrible. It's just bland and doesn't take any chances by casting a female actor to fall in love with Riker. DS9's take on homosexuality is a lot better. It really does address the concept of how it is seen in society and

Trek addressed these issues in a much better way. So the how it's done is just as much, if not more, the heart of the franchise as the what. It's also extremely competent people working together as professionals for the betterment of all. Having conflicts about how to achieve the best outcome is one thing. Having a

That was until Stalin dropped down from the rafters and hit Joan with a baseball bat.