
Yeah, arguing about which is the more corporate (and all the shitiness that entails), is kind of like arguing over who is worse, Trump or Pence.

I thought during his long run with Moench that Jones worked perfectly on Batman. The mood and various villains that Moench utilized in those issues seemed a perfect fit for Jones to me. Just my opinion, of course.

I bet she's already packing, probably in a thigh holster. Always ready, just waiting for those damn dirty bears.

I always remember that one for its showcasing peak hotness level Jennifer Jason Leigh. I know that sounds awful but geez she was so hot.

I was sneaking into concerts during those years too. It was a lawless, glorious time in my life.

I used to rewind the VHS tape to watch your #2 moment every damn time I watched this movie. Hopper was nuts in this movie.

I hear ya. I invested too much in this game for the very same reasons. Against my better judgment I let myself get sucked into it because of my anger with the so-called President (I refuse to say or type his name). It still bugs me that Brady and the other old white guys are so chummy with the Prez because, sorry Pats


Life is moving too fast, I can't even remember what I had for lunch today.

Wait, what was the shitshow? Do tell. I must be blocking it from my mind…

Yeah, I was about to write that too. Her point here makes…no sense. I had to reread it and, nope, still makes no sense.

Hey everyone. I spaced on my comics appreciation piece a while back. I was going to write about Preacher. I still hope to one of these days! For the one or two of you might care, I'm sorry I spaced on this.

Sometimes it's good to step away from the comics for a little while.

I was locked into Michael Chabon's Moonglow this week in an attempt to finish it off. It started slow but then I was absolutely hooked and was reading it several times a day whenever I could find some time. I really enjoyed it, but I'm a Chabon fan so that's no surprise.

I'm trying to cut down on monthlies so I'm going to try and wait for trade on this. But it's going to be hard to wait; I really want to check out this series.

Good to hear your concerns were alleviated with Vol. 6 because I felt a bit similarly after finishing Vol. 5. Consequently 6 has been sitting in my reading pile for months. I'll have to get to it soon, now.

I hear ya, he can be an acquired taste, I suppose. I mean that mostly in terms of his writer-artist work, like his DC stuff from the '70s as well as his late '70s Marvel return. I really appreciate how gonzo that era was for him, how wildly energetic it felt because of his art and the crazy sci-fi concepts he was

Yes, the black costume is quite possible the best. I had both Secret Wars Spidey action figures as a kid. Wish I still had those.

The New Gods, now we're talking. They kick all sorts of ass. I still have to read the entire Kirby run one day but hot damn I loved the first omnibus or two.

The other day, someone on Facebook, might have been Fabian Nicieza, said Black Bolt is the finest costume design in comics history. I…don't agree. It's good, but the best?!?