
Yep. They're good when they're in classic FF stories or something, and I know everyone loves the Jae Lee series (haven't read it), but seriously otherwise they're just dull as fuck. And I revere Kirby.

That sounds like a blast!

Finally got into a rhythm with Michael Chabon's new one, Moonglow. It seems to be meandering early on but then as the stories being told throughout the book build and start to connect in interesting ways, things get really emotional and heavy. Chabon always has an insightful way of putting into words what we all feel

Ah I really enjoyed that one. I went on a bit of a Lethem binge back then and have been meaning to catch up with his more recent work lately. I found parts of The Fortress of Solitude absolutely heartbreaking and very affecting. Good book.

Bummer. I'm an issue behind on that one but I've been thoroughly enjoying it. Now I suppose I'll use this as an opportunity to further lighten my monthly reading load and drop it once Jimenez leaves.

She wrote a Vixen mini for DC years ago and I've wanted to read it if I can get my hands on a copy.

Good to know. I have no doubt that it's great and that I'd like it. I'm just surprised by how unimpressed I was by two of Wilson's other recent titles.

I don't read Ms. Marvel (I know, I know, save it, I hope to one day), but I've read Wilson's brief X-Men run and the start of her A-Force gig and both left me cold. I guess maybe she's not so good at team books?

I also read the first two stories from the Challenge Special and started the third but haven't finished it yet. Kamandi Challenge #1 definitely kept the energy and feel of the old Kirby comics and I thought it was a fun and wild ride. So, with the Brother Eye symbol at the end, does that indicate we'll be seeing OMAC

Godspeed! Keep us posted!

Argh I spaced on mine on Preacher. I'll try to do it in the near future. Sorry, gang.

Good point. They seem to prefer succinct paragraphs and articles so I'd likely be able to keep them short. I have a tendency to overwrite so it might wind up being a good challenge for me to stay brief for that site. Then I can still "write long" (to quote a favorite movie of mine, The Paper) elsewhere.

I shot the editor an email to follow up, earlier. We'll see. I suppose I'm overthinking it. I'm also a bit nervous that I can't keep up with their requirements—they like contributors to submit two articles per week at least. If you don't, after a while, they'll likely stop accepting your stuff. I'm stretched thin in

Now that you mention it I picked up about a dozen issues of Mike Grell's Warlord last year, for cheap, and several of them had Jim Starlin OMAC backups. I think I read them but now I can't remember. I need to go back and read 'em, definitely.

Back in my day a milestone issue had to end in two zeroes, dammit!

Seriously, 950 is a milestone issue?

Byrne did an OMAC series?? I had no idea!

I love all the goofy sci-fi terms and concepts Kirby introduces and then just blows past onto the next one. It's a wild ride, that's for sure. I'm still rather unclear on OMAC's powers but they seem dependent on what the scene calls for, ha!

I vaguely remember him!

OMAC by Jack Kirby! Good grief it's a lot of fun. It's as wacky as I've come to expect from DC era Kirby and I'm loving it so far.